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国外留学生在tutor指导下提供的范文参考 [7]

论文作者:meisishow论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2014-10-28编辑:meisishow点击率:10869

论文字数:3382论文编号:org201410271352319666语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文

关键词:Analysing leadership theoriesmanagement plans领导理论管理


Communicating: Communicating with employee is necessary part of leadership function. Communication occurs only through established channel for communicating up and down of the chain of command, but also through the informal channel. Group functioning is effective if there is poor communication. Providing information and facilitating communication helps reduced conflict originating from differences of opinion among group members.

Maintaining: The function of leader is to maintain group members. The maintenance function is related to retraining the member of the group. This is challenging function of a leader. The function is concerned with providing safe working condition and good work environment in the work place. Thus, if the leadership provides these healthy work conditions, group members will be committed to contribute to group or organizational goals.

Meditating: Conflicts are inevitable in group and organizations. Some disagreements occur among people, which lead to problem of conflict. If not handle properly, these conflicts could prove to be very harmful to groups’ performance. Therefore, the crucial function of leadership is to meditate between the conflicting members and groups, and solve the problem.

Based on the above factors discussed on leadership it is inevitable that Mr. John has a great set of leadership skills like vision, communicating, organizing etc which he can use in order to achieve the goal of the school. Mr. John believes in participative leadership style and walk around management which means he gets the idea from the lecturers and the other staff and where his staffs are leaded towards. In conclusion, bureaucratic leadership style is primarily important in order to manage the school since there are some rules and regulations but little bit of democratic leadership style also is need for the success of the school.


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