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澳洲作业:关于框架效应的研究 [4]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-03-21编辑:cari2点击率:9252

论文字数:2605论文编号:org201603181029303469语种:英语 English地区:新西兰价格:免费论文

关键词:framingsocial protestssocial concern社会关怀框架分析


the very beginning, the protesters or marchers behave somewhat regularly and rationally. And then, somehow the conflicts escalate and quickly deteriorate into a bloody riot. Hereby, the government deploys police or even military come to suppress the riot. Within the news coverage, ‘The police symbolized social order and lawful behavior. They were forced to protect bystanders and property … but did not instigate any violence on their own' (Hertog and McLeod, 2001, p.156). For instance, on April 11, 2010, the BBC Online News reported clashes between Thai troops and Red Shirt protesters in Bangkok, and more than 800 were hurt in the riot. In this news, Thailand Prime Minister Vejjajiva asserted ‘Soldiers …would only have fired live rounds into the air and in self-defence …The government and I are still responsible for easing the situation and trying to bring peace and order to the country' (BBC News, 2010).

‘The confrontation frame'
As Hertog and McLeod (2001) states, the heart of the confrontation frame is exactly the conflict between the protesters and the police. Guided by the confrontation frame, the text focuses on the behaviors and reactions of both the protester and the police, and usually uses words such as ‘ battle, confrontation, and scuffle, clash, etc' to portray their conflicts. On April 6, 2010, the BBC News covered the terrible scuffles between Red Shirt protesters and the police, delineated the whole process of this clash in detail and accentuated the strategies and actions of both sides. As this news reported that a protest leader Nattawut Saikua said ‘From now we will make an offensive move ... Let our people ... march to all the banned 11 routes imMediately. If there's anything blocking us, break in with peace'; ‘The security forces have said publicly that they will not use force to disperse the protestors... The government sought to calm the atmosphere' (BBC News, 2010).

‘The protest frame'
According to Hertog and McLeod (2001), the protest frame does not appear as much as first two frames and it is concerned about the conflict between the protesters and other social organizations. On April 17, 2009, the BBC News reported that the leader of Thailand's Yellow Shirt protest movement got shot. The news spotlighted 'The attack comes just days after protests by the yellow-shirts' sworn enemies, the pro-Thaksin red-shirts, came to an end' and even went further to point out ‘The attack will increase tension between reds and yellows and lead to greater factionalism in an already deeply divided country' (BBC News, 2009).

‘The circus frame'
Unlike aforementioned frames, the circus frame turns its focus to the ‘deviance' and ‘oddity' of the protester and displays ‘how the group differs from mainstream society'. (Hertog and McLeod, 2001, p.157). On March 16, 2010, the BBC News covered that Thailand's red-shirt protesters donated their blood and splashed blood under the gates of Government House in order protest against the authority. The accounts implied the bizarre behaviors of the protester, ‘Not all of the blood has been used. Red-shirt leaders said more would be poured at other sites if their demands were not met'; ‘Health officials, the Red Cross and even the protesters' figurehead, Mr Thaksin, expressed concern about how hygienic the mass blood donation was'. Nevertheless, the protesters still felt proud, ‘This is a very symbolic 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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