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环境对企业的影响Environmental Influences On Business Enterprises [2]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2015-05-17编辑:g790726705点击率:6873

论文字数:1010论文编号:org201505160847346596语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文



art additional service offerings in his store to make it more attractive to the customers. Offering discounts through preferred membership is an excellent way to increase and retain customer loyalty. He can take advantage of technological advances and make online shopping available for his customers. He can also offer home delivery services to make shopping convenient. 
Substitutes: Health food is becoming a popular pReference of the people due to the increase in health issues due to fast food. Peter can take advantage of this trend and market his stores to a wider and more diverse consumer population. This can potentially increase the sales and thereby the revenue. He can differentiate his brand of goods in the market and attract consumers to prefer it over his competitor’s offering. 
Participating in local community programs can increase the visibility of his company in local regions. 

Challenges of Realizing Opportunity 
The success of the company will depend on Peter’s ability to correctly recognize the various threats and opportunities present in the industry and within his company. Aligning these against the existing strengths and weakness of the company and formulating the correct strategy of operation is very important. 

Risks Associated with the Opportunity 
Competitive analysis can be very uncertain and can lead to wrong decision-making which can be risky to the business. Assuming the competitors will continue to behave in the same way they have in the past is one of the common mistakes. In response to competition, businesses can take drastic steps to lower prices in addition to offering other free services. This may decrease their profit margin even though they continue to operate. Assuming how consumers will behave in the future is also a risky prediction. Consumer preferences have been known to change without warning. Skilled employees and the required infrastructure are required to successfully operate the online shopping service. 

Information Required Investigating the Opportunity 
For Peter to analyze the business environment and come up with a strategy, information is required. He can use any of the multitudes of reports and data provided by the government on the health food industry and the regulations associated with his as one of his source. But mainly his focus should be on attaining information about the strategy his competitor is using to capture the health food market. He can also do internal analysis to identify his company’s strengths and weakness. He can also collect information on the current status of the health food industry and what the future forecast is. 

Peter can collect the above information from public reports made available. Some of them are 1) Industry surveys 2) Annual reports of specific companies 3) Market research surveys 4) reports from the Department of Commerce 5) Survey of buying power etc. 

All this information is based on past performance. Although future forecasting can be done based on this information, there is no guarantee that the economy, market status or consumer preference will remain the same. 

Based on all this information, Peter can come up with a strategy for his company to move forward and become succes论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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