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互联网时代——中小企业的发展契机 [7]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-06-01编辑:felicia点击率:31470

论文字数:12105论文编号:org201505261916586066语种:英语 English地区:马来西亚价格:免费论文



f research project titled 'The Factors Contribute to Internet Adoption for Small Businesses in Malaysia' can be contributed to the industry, education and society. The study of this research can make an impact on industry, education, and society for different reasons.

The impact of the study of this research on industry is identification of the potential business growth by small businesses in Malaysia with the Internet adoption. Business of the firm can growth by penetrating different market segments and coverage more geographical areas with using Internet as a marketing tool. Another impact of the study is can make the firm adopt process innovation and product innovation to reduce the cost of the production and capture the value of the customers with the quality products. The entrepreneurial opportunity also could discover on the study of this research. Youth could create entrepreneurial opportunity with the Internet adoption for developing own Electronic Business with the low cost, easy, and convenience method. The study of this research could create job opportunity in the industry especially from IT fields and entrepreneurship field.

Besides, the importance of this study also contributes to the education. In education, undergraduates can have an improvement process of acquiring knowledge and information with the Internet adoption on academic. Universities and colleges can provide entrepreneurial skills and knowledge for undergraduates on students' entrepreneurship development programs, academics and students' organization on free enterprise. It also could increase the understanding of the technology in terms of information system and web development.

Lastly, the importance of this study also contributes to the society. The study of this research can make an impact on society by reducing the employment rate for the country with the job creation by small businesses. It could increase the quality living of the society with the easy and conveniences services provide by small businesses on the adoption of the Internet. Foreign relation between people and people or government and government can be improving with the development of the Internet on the small businesses. The economies of the country can growth with the expansion and development of small businesses industry and small businesses can penetrate to another countries using Internet as well as increasing exports business of the country.

Organization of Research Project

The organization of the research project titled 'The Factors Contribute to Internet Adoption for Small Businesses in Malaysia' overall consist of five chapters with each chapter has different aspects ranging from the different explanation of internet adoption and small businesses from different authors of journals to statistical analysis of the research study.

In the chapter one, the definition and explanation of the internet extracted from different authors quote in different journals. The subtopics consist of the Internet, the SMEs and the Internet, and the SMEs and the Internet in Malaysia.

In the chapter two, the literature review will extracted the quote from different authors in the journals t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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