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社会企业商业背景调查 [7]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2015-07-29编辑:wangjinjin点击率:22436

论文字数:7579论文编号:org201507250929449066语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文




Mohammad Yunus have classified seven main principles of social business. These principles if properly followed will help us achieve the social objective of the business. These seven principles are stated below:
The objective of the business should be towards reducing the targeted social problem. It should help in eradication of poverty and other such problems like health, education, access to technology & environment. It should never be profit maximization.(Grameen Bank, 2007)
Economic and Financial sustainability.
Investor will always get back their investment amount only and the dividends will go the poor. No additional fund is given to the investor
It should be very environmentally conscious business
Workforce that works for this business gets market wage rate but with better working conditions
The motto should be do all this with utter joy
Profit is not the motive the venture

These are the seven principles of social business which lay down the framework for any upcoming social business. An organisation that works on these principles in the right environment will generate wealth at the bottom of the pyramid which will ultimately drive social business in the region. The power of free market can be utilised to harness and remove the problems of poverty with a perfect business model built around.

A case study of CSR- Novartis

Novartis also used the leprosy program as a platform to further develop community-based health infrastructures. The company funded the development of local health clinics and the training of medical personnel to provide leprosy treatment, along with care for other health problems as well. Novartis medical staff worked with WHO to provide technical advice to these clinics on leprosy treatment. One of the major reasons that pharmaceutical companies like Novartis get involved in high profile projects is to build strong reputations and distinguish themselves in the eyes of the public. Novartis was interested in the leprosy project not only because the company possessed a product that could benefit the many people without access to treatment, but because it provided an opportunity to partner with WHO in a high profile, global disease-eradication program. According to Novartis, its role in the project allowed it to have a significant impact on reducing leprosy while improving its reputation, goodwill, and organisational learning.

Grameen family of Business

In the debate of whether rich investors can make money off poor people, Nobel laureate Mohammad Yunus, who pioneered the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh 25 years ago, seems to have won this round. Yunus who won the prize for peace and not economics has long decried investor hunger for the sector driven more by profits than social commitment. While there may be not enough government and socially-oriented capital to meet eventual worldwide demand for microfinance, commercialization of microfinance is inevitable. After all, chasing the bottom billion can be exciting.(Grameen Bank, 2007)

Bangladesh is a country of villages even today but on account of lack of infrastructure resulting in lack of opportunities for the population migration of youth continues unabated. The urban cent论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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