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全球航空产业的概述 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:报告 Report登出时间:2015-12-17编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:14937

论文字数:2577论文编号:org201512151325231073语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:global airlines替代品威胁航空业


wider economy. Supplier power in the global airlines industry is strong as reliability and safety of the flights are critical. Entrances to the airlines industry are restricted due to economic barriers. The up-front costs are huge and substantial financial backing is required to cover the initial costs and expenses henceforth from there.

Airline companies today are forming alliance with other companies with the intention to achieve diversified network of operations, scale economies in terms of purchase of fuel, and even sharing of aircraft to reduce the power of the supplier. Code sharing has risen as a phenomenon catching up in the Asia Pacific region of the world where companies are forming alliances with other carriers around the world. Consolidation is a major opportunity for the players in the airline industry to increase their revenues, cost savings and enhance competitive position.

The global airlines industry is projected to benefit the service providers as there is a new customer base in the present arising from the emerging economies which will fuel the growth of the industry and would see emergence of new players giving more competition to the existing ones. With continued and sustainable demand for air travel, Airline companies would see opportunities which would be coherent with the rising aspirations of people.

印度航空的故事——The Indian Aviation Story

In the year 2003, the whole world celebrated the centenary year of the powered flight. Indians had to wait for more than a decade to see the first aircraft airborne from the Indian soil. In the early December of the year 1910, a group of people from Belgium and England came to India with several airplanes. The idea was to showcase the marvel of a flying object and to explore business opportunities from it. Planes were showcased after assembling its parts. The groups were able to have a successful trip as their products were well received and were brought in by the royalties in India. It was December 15th 1932 when the first flight in India taken off under the name of 'Tata Aviation', which later went on to become 'Air India'. Tata Aviation was started by JRD Tata after much protracted negotiations with the government of India. Eventually, during 1953, an act of nationalizing all the airlines was passed in the parliament and 'Tata Aviation' went on to become Air India which then served the international traffic.

The Indian Airline industry has come a long way today. In the year 2009, Indian Airline industry grew by 9% to reach the value of USD 7 billion. It grew by 35.5% to reach a volume of 73.8 million passengers. By 2014, it is forecasted to have a value of USD 17.9 billion and volumes of 156.2 million passengers. The Indian Airline industry experience growth even after seeing a period of decline in 2008. While the growth rate of Indian Airlines industry was far better than that of China, The airline industry in India could achieve merely one thirds of revenue when compared to the Chinese Airline industry. Like the global airlines industry, Indian airlines industry is characterized by strong rivalry and supply power, the buyers being leisure travelers and business travelers while fuel suppliers, aircraft manufacturers and skilled employees as the key suppliers. High Price sensitivity due to product differentiation being minimal strengthens the power of the bu论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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