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论商标翻译与美学-On Trademark Translation and Aesthetics [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2014-05-11编辑:caribany点击率:19469

论文字数:4733论文编号:org201405102213549844语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:商标翻译与美学Trademark Translation and Aestheticsintellectual property商业术语商标英语


ness. “Pif paf” is the trademark of one kind of vermicide. It is originally onomatopoeia, and has double meanings. It is not only referring to the spraying sound, but also the sound when mosquitoes and insects dropped down. The translated name “必扑” is onomatopoeia, and also has double meanings, too.
2.2 Morphemic Aesthetics
According to Nida, translators should “exploit the potentiality of the target language to the greatest extent”. Chinese have its own advantages compared to English. For instance, every Chinese character is a phonetic and semantic combination. Thanks to so many homonyms in Chinese, translators have many choices of Chinese characters for one pronunciation. Thus, translators can select those Chinese characters with the most suitable meaning according to different features of products. It is the approach called semantic transliteration, which is now regarded as “the best strategy in trademark translation”.
The trademark emphasizes formally succinct and easy to record. Most English trademarks are composed by two syllables, terse and forceful, like Benz (奔驰)、Hazeline (夏士莲) and so on. But in Chinese, the double syllable and three syllable's trade name calls common, like Haire, Backgammon, and so on. The trademark name must be succinct, and it should avoid the uncommon phrase as far as possible. Otherwise it can not only achieve in propose something new and difference, but also possibly hinder the communication between the consumers and the products. The aesthetics principles and morphemic aesthetics are very important, because the psychology research indicated that 80% of human’s information stems from the vision. Many foreign commodities choose the translated name extremely carefully before entering to the Chinese market. In translation, the Chinese character contains equivocal information were often used, inducing the consumer to make all sorts of associations and the daydream. For deepening impression and easy to remember, the purpose is for promotion. Commodity for the major part of women, selects the character words contain the meaning of praise. As the characters refer to “Outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted” (婷、韵、婉、娜、媚、丽、娇、妍等); the phrase expressed in the inner chamber, flowers and vegetation(玉、珍、樱、莲、贝、宝、珊、兰、珠等); and phrase expressed in the bearing, temperament and aroma (雅、黛、芳等). Similarly, other trademark names follow the morphemic aesthetics, like Triumph, a German underclothes, translated into “黛安芬”; Vichy, the French skin appliances,translated into “薇姿”; Avon, the American cosmetics, translated into “雅芳”; Guerlain, the French cosmetics, translated into “娇兰”.
2.3 Semantic Aesthetics
Semantic aesthetics refers to the exquisite ideal condition, in the mind of consumer, it must relate to the characteristic of commodity. Only such trademark can cause the consumer to have the beneficial association, and it can stimulate the consumption. For example, the famous Chinese air-condition “春兰”, which like of spring all year round. Nike “耐克”, the name of Winged Victory, which embodies the hope that the Winged Victory arrives, so that it makes many consumers like it. “Clarions” , the French skin appliances translated name “娇韵诗” chooses two Chinese characters “娇” and “韵”, These two characters mean outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted. Women like these characters. Without the principle of phonetic aesthetics and morphemic aesthetics, it also gives people enough ideal conditio论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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