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东北民族民俗博物馆导游口译实践报告 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2022-08-04编辑:vicky点击率:1796

论文字数:52122论文编号:org202207281026281000语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



lk Customs Exhibition Area,then to the Modern Northeast Ethnic and Folk Exhibition Area,and finally to theNortheast Representative Businesses Exhibition Area.During the visit,because of theprofound ancient Chinese history and culture and the complexity of interpretingculture-loaded words and expressions with Chinese characteristics,it is inevitable thatthere will be some interpreting contents that the client cannot make them clear due tocultural and linguistic differences.But the whole interpreting process was relativelysmooth and successful and the client was satisfied on the whole.

Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation.................................15

3.1 Historical Review of the Interpretive Theory..............................15

3.2 Three Stages of Interpreting..................................16

3.3 The Triangular Model of the Interpretive Theory.......................................17

Chapter Four Problem Analysis and Coping Strategies......................20

4.1 Problem Analysis..................................20

4.1.1 Loss of Cultural Information.................................20

4.1.2 Lack of Chinese Characteristics.................................24


Chapter Four Problem Analysis and Coping Strategies

4.1 Problem Analysis

As is known to all,culture is the spiritual treasure of a nation,which issignificant to developing the soft power of the country.In the tour guide’s Chinesepresentation,many culture-loaded words and expressions with Chinese characteristics,emerged.As Zheng mentioned that translators or interpreters should deal with suchwords carefully and try to spread the essence of Chinese culture to foreign countriesaccurately,so as to achieve the purpose of“Chinese culture going abroad”(Zheng,2016(02):54).During the process of interpreting,the author found that someculture-loaded words and expressions with Chinese characteristics were interpreted inan inappropriate way,thus causing loss of cultural information and lack of Chinesecharacteristics.These problems will not only lead to the misunderstanding on the partof the client,but also hinder the spread of Chinese culture and voice.This section isdevoted to the analysis of the above-mentioned two problems existing in theinterpreting.

4.1.1 Loss of Cultural Information

As a country with a long history and vast territory,China has rich and colorfulcivilizations with different kinds of culture and folk customs,the interpreting ofwhich proves to be a huge challenge for interpreters.In this practice,the author didencounter some difficulties in the rendering of culture-loaded words and expressionswith Chinese characteristics.After analyzing the interpreting,the author found mostof the cultural information loss could be attributed to the following two causes.


This report begins with a brief introduction to the interpreting process from thetask preparation to the post-task evaluation,then based on the Interpretive Theory,theauthor makes a detailed analysis of the problems existing in the process of guideinterpreting conducted at the Northeast Ethnic and Folk Museum.论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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