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《古埃及人的风俗习惯》(第五章)翻译实践报告 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-04-03编辑:vicky点击率:271

论文字数:62555论文编号:org202403281244411265语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



ols and References

Sharp tools make good work.The pre-translation preparation for this translationpractice covers three parts:determining the translation task,consulting relevant materials,and selecting translation tools.First of all,after getting the translation materials,thetranslator carefully analyzes the table of contents of the original,sorts out the chapterstructure and logical order of the source text,seriously analyzes the chapter status andlogical structure of chapter five,and formulates the daily translation task,so as to ensurethe effectiveness of the translation task.Secondly,after clarifying the translation task,thetranslator reads the source text earnestly and learns about the translation standards andtranslation strategies of some historical texts.Finally,based on the relevant informationcollected,the translator purposefully selects some applicable translation tools,includingpaper translation tools such as Names of the World’s Peoples,Place Names of the World,Chinese-English Dictionary,and also online translation tools such as Youdao Translation,Bing and other online translation software.

2.2 In-translation Process

The translation process does encounter a number of problems,including Englishlanguage translation problems and non-English language translation problems.Englishlanguage translation problems and their solutions will be explained in detail in the sectionof case study,and this subsection focuses on non-English translation problems and theirsolutions.The following three types of problems occur frequently.The first is the problemof translating foreign languages in the annotations.The Customs and Traditions of theAncient Egypt involves many allusions,so there are many annotations on almost everypage,including Latin verses and Greek Homeric poems.Secondly,the translation ofancient Egyptian in the text and illustrations is complex.Thirdly,it is about translating thenames in the text.Solutions to each of these three types of problems will be listed below.

In the face of foreign languages in the annotation,the translator acknowledges herown shortcomings and makes full use of the power of the Internet to seek help.Thefollowing are two examples:Hom.0d.vii.104.:—


Chapter Three Theoretical Framework ................................. 9

3.1 Introduction to Skopos Theory ............................... 9

3.2 Basic Rules ................................ 10

3.3 Application of Skopos Theory ............................... 11

Chapter Four Case Study ................................ 13

4.1 Lexical Level..................................... 13

4.1.1 Adaptation .................................... 13

4.1.2 Conversion .......................................... 15

Chapter Five Conclusion ......................... 29

5.1 Major Findings ............................. 29

5.2 Limitations ................................... 32



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