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基于语料库的企业简介英译中的名词化思考 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-04-20编辑:vicky点击率:153

论文字数:46556论文编号:org202404191155014263语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



s Studies on Nominalization

This section reviews previous studies on nominalization at both home and abroad.To be specific,the study of nominalization from the perspective of different linguisticschools abroad is concisely introduced to provide some basic information about thesubstance of nominalization,including traditional approach,structural approach,transformational-generative approach,cognitive approach and systemic-functionalgrammar approach.In addition,the research trends and focuses of nominalizationstudies at home and abroad are revealed by using visual analysis tools so as to giveenlightenment for the present study.

2.1.1 Previous Studies on Nominalization Abroad

This part first reviews the studies of nominalization from the perspective ofdifferent linguistic schools abroad,and then reveals the trends and focuses ofnominalization studies abroad by using visual analysis tools. Traditional Approach

Traditional grammar held the view that nominalization merely involves theconversion of the word class which is only confined to verbs and adjectives anddeemed that the structure of nominalization is featured by“head+modifier”.The realstudy of nominalization began with Otto Jesperson,one of the famous linguists in the early 20thcentury.Nominalization has been discussed in his classic works,such asPhilosophy of Grammar(1924),Essentials of English Grammar(1933)and AnalyticSyntax(1937).Instead of using the word“nominalization”,he used the term“nexus-substantives”to denote nominalization and categorized it into two types,namely“verbal nexus-words”(e.g.examination)and“predicative nexus-words”(e.g.cleverness).It is worth mentioning that Jesperson(1933)also regarded“gerund”intraditional grammar as nominalization,which is a hybrid of substantives and verbs.He believed that nominalization avoids many wordy and clumsy expressions,thusexpressing complex content in a concise way.However,Jesperson’s interpretation ofnominalization focuses on the lexical level,and his categorization of nominalizationwas oversimplified and the source of nominalization was too narrow.AlthoughJesperson’s effort on nominalization is not sufficient,his attention to this linguisticphenomenon undoubtedly has laid a solid foundation for future research onnominalization.

2.2 Previous Studies on Enterprise Profiles Translation

With the continuous opening of China’s market,there are frequent opportunitiesfor economic exchanges between domestic and foreign enterprises.Enterprise profile,a concise statement of an enterprise’s development history,business scope,productinformation,business values and so on,is an important window for customers to learnabout an enterprise.It plays an important role in promoting products,expanding customer base,attracting investment,improving competitiveness and establishing agood corporate image.High-quality C-E translation of enterprise profiles is apowerful tool for domestic enterprises to compete in the international market.Givenits significance for enterprises,many domestic scholars have shown interests in theC-E translation study of enterprise profiles in the past few decades with their mainattention to the following aspects:

Firstly,it pays attention to research on corporate profiles translation fromdifferent perspectives such as linguistic,cultural and functional perspectives,amongwhich the study from functional p论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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