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Case study-Fitbar的目前经营状况

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:案例分析 Case Study登出时间:2015-08-28编辑:huiyin点击率:5894

论文字数:1948论文编号:org201507202135297802语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文





It is inevitable that the business performance of any single organization will encounter problems in the course of its operation. These problems could stem from a variety of sources such as the employee, the management, or the business system itself which has been prevalent in the operation of the organization. The case study which has been presented for the purpose of this research illustrates the situation of FitBar, a business which is involved in the wholesale of health snack bars. Just like in any other businesses, they also encounter a variety of problems which can be safely assumed as because of the management or the business system in the company. While the problems have been stipulated in the case, it can be seen that the problems stem from the knowledge management aspect of the company which will then be discussed in detail in the succeeding parts of this paper.

1. What would you suggest to the CEO of FitBar are the key knowledge management issues that need to be addressed?

The case of the company which was presented shows that the company is indeed facing a big problem as brought about by knowledge management issues which are not properly addressed and are not given enough attention by the management that is why these issues are getting worse as time passes by and affecting more lives in the operation of the business. Theses knowledge management issues are said to have rooted the now more complex problems which the company is experiencing not only in terms of its business systems but also with regards to employee relations as stipulated in the case. Furthermore, the company acknowledges the fact that capturing the best practices in the corporate world and corporate information will enable them to work more efficiently and would direct all their efforts towards the success of their operation. Nonetheless, although aware of that fact, the company seems to have missing aspects in this field forcing them towards being unsuccessful in most of their corporate activities. Their current technology systems and some employee policies are not working for the benefit of the majority in the organization. The researcher will then attempt to identify what is the key knowledge management issues which the authorities need to address immediately in order to provide a solution to the problem confronting their operations.

When we speak of knowledge management, it means that we talk of an organizational theory in the workplace which reflects the company's set of specific strategies and measures which ae ultimately geared towards identifying, creating, representing, distributing, and enabling the management's adoption of experiences and insights which were brought about in the workplace. These insights and experiences shall include the practices or processes which were related in the operation of the business (Alavi & Leidner, 1999). Change will be constant in the next millennium, with the advent of various technological advancements论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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