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认知行为咨询Cognitive behavioural counselling [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-04-22编辑:lily点击率:11862

论文字数:2004论文编号:org201604211107421199语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文



t Craddy (2006 pp.28-29) describes how clients helped considerably by Beck's (1989) cbt are those ''with rigid patterns of thinking...'' and these irrational beliefs are the client's evaluative beliefs, or 'adaptive beliefs' (Beck, 1989) which are expressed in relative terms

Cognitive behavioural therapy (cbt) is one of a variety of 'talking therapies' and is an active and directive, collaborative approach to dealing with emotional disorders with the cbt therapist talking directly to the client and asking direct questions (Branch & Dryden, 2008). CBT as formulated by Beck (1989) assumes that a client's thinking processes influence and are influenced by emotional concerns such as anxiety and depression. Modifying thinking processes during the course of therapy may have a positive effect on the client's emotions, behaviour or underlying concerns. The main idea of the cognitive model being that it is the person's distorted way of thinking that creates the disorder or maladaptive behaviour and disturbed mood. This distorted thinking also called 'irrational thinking' is the cause rather than faulty or maladaptive behaviour as an individual reacts to his or her own distorted viewpoint of the situation Instead of reacting to the reality of a situation (Leahy, 1996). Two aspects of thinking that are pertinent to cbt are thoughts and images or 'automatic thoughts' that occur involuntarily in the stream of consciousness (Beck, 2001) that Ellis (1962) who has emphasised 'irrational beliefs' or evaluative beliefs in emotional disorders described these as underlying beliefs.

Ellis (as cited by Trower, Casey & Dryden, 1988) explicates a model that explains the relationship between thinking and emotions. In accordance with this model known as an 'ABC model', an activating event leads on to emotional and behavioural consequences and these emotional consequences being interposed by beliefs. Ellis (1962) stipulates that the activating event for an emotional upset is often an actual incident or it can also be a memory or an image or a thought about a future even or an emotion such as precipitated by fear such as in a panic attack and this can encourage this outcome to occur.
Impaired thinking that shows faulty adaption or maladaptive thinking is at the centre of emotional disturbance according to cbt theory. Maladaptive or faulty thinking causes maladaptive or counter-productive behaviour that interferes with everyday life. It is a predominantly held assumption that the behaviour of other people and external infelicitous and undesirable events directly impact on us to feel negative emotions. Whilst it is also true that when negative things happen, people correspondingly feel that way and cbt asserts that these external conditions are conducive to our negative emotions but do not exclusively elicit emotional distress. Ascertaining that a person's interpretations of what he experiences are by definition subjective, these are assumptions or 'guesses' about reality rather than absolutes or 'facts' or evidence-based conclusions. It is how we construe these facts and interpret our experiences and ascertain these incidences in life that resolutely effect our emotional responses to the actual incident itself (Hofmann & Otto, 2008). These may be objectively correct to varying degrees and if a person has persistent negative beliefs undue emotional disturbance is likely to follow negative events and can instigate emot论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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