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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-07-12编辑:lgg点击率:7057

论文字数:37600论文编号:org201307121431435204语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter One Introduction

The present chapter first gives a brief introduction of the general background of thestudy, and then proposes the need for further studies. Meanwhile, the purposes of the researchand the significance of the study are discussed in the chapter as well. Finally, it introduces theoverall structure of this thesis.本章首先简要介绍了研究背景,然后提出了需要进一步研究。同时,科研和研究的意义而言,章节中讨论的。最后,介绍了这篇论文的整体结构。

1.1Research Background
It is well known that human being has entered into a rapidly developing world ofinternet, science and technology. The life-long learning has been the important aim of schoolEducation. Therefore, in order to master knowledge faster and better, it is not only necessaryfor students to have efficient learning methods and strategies but also to get to know their ownlearning and thinking process in order to improve their self-monitor and self-regulationeffectively. This kind of ability of thinking and self-control refer to one kind of metacognitiveabilities, and those high tactics or skills which enable learners to be more effective andsuccessful in their self-study are defined as metacognitive strategies. And, many researchersmake comments on the role of metacognitive strategies in language learning according totheir researches and understanding. For example, Oxford (1990: 136) proposes that“metacognitive strategies are essential to successful language learning.” In China, Wen(1995) mentioned monitoring role of metacognitive strategies for the first time. Since then,researchers in China show great interest in the study on metacognition.
Learners can do self-study by applying network media autonomously. Thepopularization and application of network has changed the traditional mode of study to acertain degree. Online learning becomes a new approach with the coming of informationtechnology. With characteristics of personalization, coordination, plenty of resources,learning under the network environment is beneficial for students' creativity and independentlearning ability. Cultivating the students’ ability under online autonomous learning is anecessity in the present development of society and also an important aim in the schoolteaching. Therefore, online learning becomes an important way of study, and puts forwardhigher demand for autonomous learning ability, especially, the demand for metacognitiveability, the ability of self-planning, self-monitoring and self-regulation,which are vital toindividual life-long learning and development.
An Independent College is usually attached to a university and the students are differentfrom the common university counterparts in many aspects, for instance, their entranceexamination scores in English are comparatively poor, their learning motivation is generally unstable, and their attitude towards English learning is more passive. Most of them regardEnglish learning as an extremely painful experience. However, College English is acompulsory course for all college students, which means all Independent College studentsneed take College English in order to pass CET 4. Furthermore, nowadays, foreign languageeducati论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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