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基于语料库的大学英语四六级写作中词汇衔接对比研究 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-26编辑:lgg点击率:6240

论文字数:39200论文编号:org201308251109267067语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:Lexical cohesion is the semantic relations of two or more lexical words beyond the sentences, that is,establishing the links through the selection words to make text coherence. The words appear repetition orby other alternative. According to the research of Halliday and Hasan(1976), half of the cohesive ties islexicon.


1.2 The significance of this study
Although writing plays an important part in the teaching of English, the teaching of writing in Englishhas been a weakness in the china. Instead, much attention is focused on the form of words and thegrammatical errors, and cohesion device applied in writings are ignored sometimes. Based on cohesiontheory by Halliday(1976) and the new approach by Hoey(1991), the author also consulted some researchesmade by scholars including Chinese scholars and foreign country scholars. On the basis of these theories,the author tried to explore the factors influencing the application of lexical cohesion in CET4 and CET6writings of non-English major students in order to find a much easier way to learn how to use lexicalcohesive ties into college students  writing. There are some significances of present study.Firstly, diachronic point of view is taken to observe the patterns of lexical cohesion differencesbetween CET4 and CET6 writings. In other words, this research tries to trace the progress of studentswriting ability in terms of lexical cohesion by quantitative examination. By comparison of the differences,some developmental problems in college English learners  use of lexical cohesion in writing can bediagnosed. Moreover,some pedagogical implication can be drawn to help College English teaching.

Chapter Two Literature Review

Harris (1952), in Discourse Analysis, suggests the idea that in grammar it is possible to analyze thedistribution of linguistic elements in connected speech and writing and set up distributional equivalence.Mitchell (1957) discusses it in a different view. He presents a semantically motivated analysis of discourse.Since then, Discourse Analysis becomes a branch of linguistics and develops rapidly. Haliday s systemicfunctional grammar set a framework for discourse analysis, which has made the greatest influence indiscourse analysis. Halliday and Hasan(1976) proposes the concept of cohesion, which makes greatcontribution in discourse analysis. Many studies have conducted on cohesion after that.In the following section, the researches on cohesion theory as well as the researches on cohesiontheory applied in writings home and broad will be introduced to know about what kind of researches oncohesion have been conducted and what can be done in the future.

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework........ 22-33
    3.1 Three Theoretical Framework........22-30
        3.1.1 Text, texture, tie and cohesion........22-23
        3.1.2 Cohesion and coherence........ 23
        3.1.3 Types of cohesion ........23-30
    3.2 Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis (CIA)........ 30-33
        3.2.1 The definition of interlanguage........30-31
        3.2.2 Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis (CIA)........ 31-33
Chapter Four Methodology........ 33-38
    4.1 Research questions........ 33
    4.2 Subjects ........33-34
    4.3 Instruments........34-35
        4.3.1 CLEC........34-35
        4.3.2 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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