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大学英语六级测评复合听写及英语专业四级测评听写对比概述 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-04-17编辑:lgg点击率:6080

论文字数:36200论文编号:org201404161240131959语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:As two variants of dictation, compound dictation in CET-6 and dictation inTEM4 obviously share something in common. Since some people say that CET-6 andTEM4 are about the same difficult, the author wonders which dictation of the twotests is more difficult and whether they measure similar listening abilities.

this experiment are 100 students in all, the finalnumber of complete and valid answer sheets is 99 while one was discarded due tounfitness. After scoring, the test results were encoded into computer for statisticalanalysis by SPSS. For the convenience of comparison, the scores on dictation andcompound dictation were all converted on a 100-point scale. As mentioned before, thetest paper consists of one compound dictation and one dictation. The scores on CET-6Compound Dictation and TEM4 Dictation will be discussed respectively. The output of SPSS shows that for CET-6 compound dictation, the scores rangefrom 0 to 100 while for TEM4 dictation, the minimum score is 0 and the maximumscore is 93.3. The mean score of Compound Dictation 1 far exceeds that of Dictation1, with a gap of about 13 points. Both tasks have a high standard deviation, whichindicates that the subjects vary greatly on English listening proficiency level. Thestandard deviation of TEM4 dictation is 22.46, a little lower than that of CET-6compound dictation, which is 22.97. This shows that CET-6 compound dictation isrelatively more discriminative than TEM4 dictation.


To answer Research Question 1, a working framework based on the Test MethodFacets framework proposed by Bachman (1990) is put forward. The workingframework consists of 3 major components: characteristics of the test rubrics,characteristics of the input, and characteristics of the expected response. Bycalculations and discussions of VocabProfile, type-token ration, lexical density, T-unitlength, clause per T-unit ratio, Flesch formulas and topical areas in the test contentsanalysis, we find that the input materials used in CET-6 compound dictation are moredifficult than those in TEM4 dictation in terms of lexical difficulty, syntacticcomplexity and readability.
Reference (omitted)


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