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元话语视角下大学英语四级写作样卷研究 [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2016-05-30编辑:lgg点击率:11596

论文字数:32734论文编号:org201605201351101934语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



ts  and Discussion 

This  chapter  will  probe  into  the  features  of  metadiscourse  through  contrastive analysis, and problems in writing samples. All researches are under the framework of Hyland  and  Tse’s  interpersonal  model  of  metadiscourse.  First  contrastive  analysis  on the similarities and differences between different writing levels will be done from the perspectives of the general use and specific use of metadiscourse markers. Then it is going to introduce the frequency of metadiscourse markers in all writing samples. At last much attention will be paid to the inappropriate use of metadiscourse markers in writing samples. To insure the reliability and validity of the study, 80 writing samples of CET-4 are collected as research material. 40 samples form high score group (HG), from 11 to 14, and other 40 samples form low score group (LG), from 5 to 8. The writing samples are analyzed  from  two  aspects:  the  writing  levels  and  the  use  of  metadiscourse  markers. And  an  interview  is  also  helped  to  investigate  the  underlying  reasons  for  the inappropriate use of metadiscourse markers.  


This  chapter  presents  the  major  findings  of  the  research  at  first,  then  lists pedagogical implications in English writing teaching, and points out the limitations of the study, at last gives some suggestions for future study. Metadiscourse is essential to a successful writing. In order to find the similarities and  differences  of  metadiscourse  markers  used  in  different  writing  levels  and  the relationship  between  the  number  of  inappropriately  used  metadiscourse  markers  and writing  levels,  80  range-finder  writing  samples  of  CET-4  are  collected  which  are further divided into HG and LG according to the scores. Then both the distribution of inappropriately used metadiscourse markers and the main reasons for the inappropriate use are analyzed. The major findings of the research can be summed up as follows: As to the general use of metadiscourse markers, there is a significant correlation between  the  quantity  of  metadiscourse  markers  appropriately  used  in  writing  and  the writing  levels.  Even  though  the  relation  between  the  type  of  metadiscourse  markers used  in  writing  is  not  significantly correlated with writing  levels, the students in HG use more types of metadiscourse markers than those in LG. But the type in both the HG and the LG are not diversified.  In  regard  to  the  specific  use  of  metadiscourse  markers,  all  or  almost  all metadiscourse markers used in HG are more than those in LG, especially in transitions. The  unbalanced  use  of  metadiscourse  markers  is  serious.  For  on论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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