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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-08-02编辑:lgg点击率:4865

论文字数:36100论文编号:org201408011117516601语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66

关键词:Communicative Instruction Theory《新目标》英语评析交际教学理论初中英语



0.1 Background of the study
With the development and implementation of the basic Education curriculumreform, China has put forward a new practical standard to the new curriculum. Alongwith the issue of the new standard, it is necessary to apply a batch of new textbooks.The generation of new textbooks is the need of the social development and therequirement of the development of modern language teaching theory. The newEnglish curriculum standard explicitly advocates to implement the cultivation ofcomprehensive language using ability into the teaching process and upholds thelearning manner experience, practice, participation, communication and use to realizethe goal of teaching and make students feel the joy of harvest. It emphasizes the mainbody of the students, require the teachers to avoid the simple way of passing onknowledge in the class, advocate the teaching principle of 'meaning first, use first',and requires the learners to participate in purposeful communicative activities in thetarget language during the process of completing the task. At present, the most widelyapplied English textbook in junior middle schools is Go for it published by PeopleEducation Press. In the background of the elementary education curriculum reform, itis necessary for us to make an objective analysis and evaluation of whether it canreach and carry out the overall goal of new curriculum standard.

0.2 Purpose of the study
As is known to all, textbooks are the carrier of teaching organization andimplementation. Correct use of textbooks plays a pivotal role in the realization ofteaching goals. Go for it is the most widely used junior middle school Englishteaching materials after the current implementation of the curriculum reform.Therefore, soon after its use throughout the country, an ocean of evaluation and arguments among a great many front-line teachers have spread, and it is common toread research articles in all kinds of newspapers and magazines from the angle of itsusage, which mostly are empirical articles. Thus, it is absolutely vital to evaluate itfrom the angle of communicative teaching principle, advocated by the new Englishcurriculum standard. Therefore, it is also very necessary to analyze the textbooks fromthe ideal of the communicative teaching approach. The implementation of the elementary education curriculum reform in our countryand the promulgation of the new English curriculum standard promote a batch oftextbooks according to the communicative teaching principle. However, there are afew people to make detailed research on the basic characteristics and the evaluationstandard of textbooks according to the communicative teaching principle.

Chapter One Literature Review

1.1 Background of Communicative Instruction Approach
The origin of Communicative Instruction Approach dates back to the late 1960s.Theretofore, traditional teaching methods like Grammar-Translation Method andAudio-lingual Method had dominated the main field of foreign language teaching.According to those methods, language was taught through constant practice ofgrammar rules and basic structures under the theory of structuralism and behaviorism.But there was an increasing dissatisfaction among foreign language teachers, as wellas appl论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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