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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-11-15编辑:vicky点击率:442

论文字数:42363论文编号:org202311101033411238语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:本文是一篇初中英语教学论文,本研究对中学教师纠正性反馈提出一些建议:(1) 教师要根据具体学情灵活运用多种纠正性反馈类型,激发学生写作动机;(2) 教师要适当采纳学生对纠正性反馈的意见和建议,使学生能够更积极主动地接收纠正性反馈;(3) 教师要重视纠正性反馈的教学意义和写作功能,关注学生写作动机变化。

本文是一篇初中英语教学论文, 本次研究以成都市某初级中学的学生为研究对象。为了探究以上问题,此次研究共计收集180篇写作材料用作文本分析和184份有效问卷用以调查。另有15名不同英语水平的中学生参与此次访谈。

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study


Corrective feedback in writing builds a bridge for teacher-student interaction and communication, which is very important for improving students’ writing. Since the “Double Reduction” policy was put forward, it is required to reduce massive homework of students without affecting the learning quality, which put forward a high requirements for teachers to improve the efficiency of homework feedback. The purpose of the “Double Reduction” policy is to liberate students from unnecessary homework and  pay more attention to their physical and mental development. But it does not mean that students’ homework should be simply reduced or marginalized. Instead, it requires teachers to focus on students’ personality development and motivation changes while providing effective corrective feedback. The first step to implement the policy is to abandon the traditional indoctrination Education and give full play to students’ initiative in teaching. Under the background of the “Double Reduction” policy, primary and secondary schools are supposed to reduce the burden of students’ homework and realize the all-round development of students’ personality. The teaching mode of “Excessive Assignment Tactic” has been abandoned by the times. The teaching under the new policy should streamline homework and improve students’ learning enthusiasm and efficiency with more efficient and accurate homework feedback. And teachers are expected to produce meaningful corrective feedback to promote students’ initiative in writing learning. The “Double Reduction”policy means new challenge for teachers to give corrective feedback on students’ writing motivation. However, there are various types of corrective feedback. What kind of corrective feedback is both efficient and adaptable to current teaching? This thesis will further explore this question. 

1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Study

Corrective feedback is one of the indispensable means to evaluate students’ writing, which is mainly presented in the writing workbook after class. Such evaluation is explicit, that is, it can be observed by the students, because the mistakes in the writing are marked by teachers with red lines. While writing motivation is implicit, it is difficult to measure with a concrete scale. The degree of motivation tends to be demonstrated by some specific learning behaviors. Actually, in the context of instruction, the connection between corrective feedback and motivation can be seen as a causal one, as state in The English Curriculum Standards for compulsory Education (2022) , “teaching evaluation can boost students’ confidence and enthusiasm for learning English by enabling them to experience continuous growth and success in the subject” (p.52). In other words, students can see learning progress through feedback and then confirm the desire for further learning. It is possible to guide students’ positive learning attitude and writing enthusiasm by applying specific feedback strategies to writing evaluation. Thus, the specific relationship between corrective feedback and motivation needs to be clarified and valued.   

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