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澳洲硕士毕业论文-信贷管理的重要性和意义 [5]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-05-07编辑:felicia点击率:28576

论文字数:10624论文编号:org201505042248369237语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文



most neglected sector and it is the dire need of the time to focus on it (Mazhar-ul-Haq Siddiqui, Chancellor of University of Sindh, 2008).

The poor countries have mainly agriculture based economies. To make the farmers self sufficient the countries like us have to formulate and establish an Effective and Efficient Agriculture credit system. A research says that problem is not with the pricing but with the access to Credit of Small and Medium Farmers. He was of the view that the small and medium level farmers are the key to the development of Agriculture in the country. They should be focused as the first target market for the Agricultural Credit. Banks both commercial and Specialized Banks along with Micro Credit and Cooperatives should reach to these segments. He also said that the recommendations shall be welcomed and ensured that he will respond positively to his part in the SBP. (Financial Sector Conference on Agriculture Organized by ADBP June, 2002)

Agriculture Cooperatives are the best source of equity to promote large scale agriculture in the area. But they also cause the differentiation by exploiting of poor and landless communities of peasants and laborers. (Alnoor Ebrahim, 2000). According to Attwood and Baviskar (1988:2), “Cooperatives have been expected to achieve a number of economic and social goals. In addition to increasing production and mobilizing underutilized resources, they have also been expected to increase social justice and equality of opportunity, to reinforce social solidarity, and to rebuild communities supposedly fragmented by the impact of colonial regimes, market expansion, and new technologies”.

But according to Tridip Suhrud (2003) “The cooperative banking system in Gujarat (India), which was part of the larger cooperative movement in the state, began to be undermined when its financial resources became a means of dispensing political patronage. With the collapse of several banks, the de-legitimization of the cooperative movement in the state is complete, shutting out the possibility of wealth creation and social participation for marginalized communities”.

There are certain mistakes that Executives make in Risk Management. Few researchers think that instead of trying to anticipate low probability, high impact events executives should reduce business vulnerability to them. Executives should change their way to think about risk and must avoid making six mistakes. Like as they think that, 1) We think we can manage risk by predicting extreme events; 2) We are convinced that by studying the past will help us manage risk; 3) we don't listen to advice about what we should not do; 4) we assume that risk can be measured by standard deviation; 5) we do not appreciate that what is mathematically equivalent is not psychologically so; 6) we are taught that efficiency and maximizing share holders value do not tolerate redundancy. (Nassim N. Taleb, Daniel G. Goldstine, Mark W. Spitznagel, 2009)

Agricultural Mortgage Companies are such companies which lends money to the farmers and cooperative societies to develop rural economy. While forwarding loan they mortgage property from the borrower, which covers the amount of their loan. (Kaushik Mukherjee).


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