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计算机网络留学生论文-云计算的作用和意义 [31]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2014-07-31编辑:felicia点击率:34190

论文字数:14721论文编号:org201407282302474909语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:云计算Cloud Computing信息分享资源分享distributed resourcesdivided possessions


rmation to the remote site. When the user login the cloud computing system, his identity information should be recorded and verified at first. Each site in the cloud computing system will record the visitor's information. So if the TCP mechanism is integrated into the cloud computing, the trace of the participants, including the users and other resources, can be knew by the cloud computing trace mechanism. Then if the participants do some malicious behavior, they will be tracked and be punished. In order to achieve the trusted computing in the cloud computing system, we should have the mechanism to know not only what the participants can do, but also what the participant have done. So the monitoring function should be integrated into the cloud computing system to supervise the participants' behavior. In fact, reference monitors have been used in the operation system for more than several decades, and it will be useful in cloud computing too.


Cloud computing, in its various forms, offers considerable benefits to industry. It does so by providing very complex, scalable computing infrastructures on which the organization can build its enterprise architecture. The organization needs to understand and account for the characteristics of these offerings in their IH policies, processes, personnel and cloud services contracts. Scalability and cloud depth present the IH and legal teams with serious challenges. As core cloud capabilities, an early analysis of scalability and cloud depth by the organization will enable them to make critical and timely decisions when the enterprise commits itself to cloud integration.It cannot be over emphasized that, with cloud integration, there is no one size fits all. If an organization makes the mistake of adopting this mindset, the result can be devastating. One SaaS integration will not be same as another SaaS integration. Neither will the IH concerns be the same for a PaaS integration as for an IaaS integration. An Organization must thoroughly examine each cloud integration in its own context.

The organization will want to undertake a systematic approach to analyzing their IH capabilities and concerns in light of each new cloud integration. The IH team should consult other stakeholders throughout this process to ensure a sufficiently broad perspective of the issues, and to identify opportunities for collaboration and consolidation of tasks. By either utilizing the framework with which the organization started their IH capability or by adopting another well-established framework as a guide the organization can ensure that it is addressing all critical areas.


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