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Economics Coursework写作要求:Economics Coursework Summative Assignment [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2013-12-10编辑:anne点击率:7980

论文字数:1623论文编号:org201312101342024513语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Economics Courseworkinflationeconomic policies

摘要:University of East Anglia - UEA:“黄金时代1945年间资本主义和70年代中期的表现凯恩斯主义经济政策的有效性然而,70年代中期以后迅速上升的通货膨胀和低经济增长在许多国家,在世界表明,凯恩斯主义的经济政策,按照有缺陷货币主义者“。

 Assignment handed in before 15.00 hours (3pm) on Monday 17th June 2013– NO Penalty.

4. Turnitin instructions/plagiarism:

Coursework is to be uploaded to the Turnitin Assignment through your class Moodle page, in order to maintain academic integrity and high standards of coursework. You will need to be logged in as yourself, and to upload your work to your specific course and your teacher. It is very important not to upload to another course or another teacher. The Turnitin Assignment will be open two weeks before the essay deadline for editing and proofreading. When starting your assignment, please refer to the Plagiarism Moodle page, where you should watch the videos and do the activities. You can, and should, edit your essay as many times as you like before the deadline. Before your Similarity Report is ready, you will see the word ‘pending’: submissions take up to 24 hours, whereas resubmissions will always take 24 hours. When you have uploaded your final draft, which is suggested no later than 24 hours before the deadline, wait for the Similarity Report. Print out your Similarity Report, staple it to another clean copy of your final draft, and submit both, with a completed cover sheet, to the Drop Box at the Welcome Desk. The stamp on the cover sheet is considered the time of submission – not the time on the Turnitin Assignment. For more information about plagiarism and Turnitin, you should explore the Plagiarism Moodle Page, and read your Handbook. For technical problems with log-ins contact the IT helpdesk uealdn-itsupport@uea.ac.uk . For technical problems with Turnitin/Moodle, contact Christina c.malcolmson@uea.ac.uk

Marking Criteria:
Your essay will be marked on the basis of the following criteria:
a) Structure [20 marks] - Your essay should have a coherent, consistent and logical structure with headings for each section. It should start with an ‘Introduction’ in which you discuss the background to the topic you will be writing about. In the ‘Introduction’ you should also state your aims and objectives and what you expected findings will be. The essay should end with a conclusion in which you state your findings and then discuss whether you think these are correct and if not, why not?
b) Use of relevant economic theory [30 marks] – Your essay should use relevant economic theory which has been taught on the course.
c) Analysis [10 marks] – Your essay should be analytical and not descriptive. You should use data (inflation, unemployment, economic growth, balance of payments, money supply, interest rates) for the country / countries you discuss.
d) Referencing [10 marks] – Your essay should be well referenced using the Harvard Referencing System.
e) Sources [10 mark] – You should use a minimum of five sources, either from the list provided or other sources you find by yourself.
f) Diagrams and Labelling [20 marks] – All diagrams and tables should be clearly labelled with the sources of the diagrams and tables clearly stated.
Suggested readings include the following. But you can also do research to check other sources
General Background Reading
Andersen, G. (1991), ‘After the Golden Age? Welfare State Dilemmas in a Global Economy,’ in ‘Welfare States in Transition,’ Andersen, G. (ed), Sage Publications. [Link on Moodle]
Blanchard, O. (2011), ‘Macroeconomics,’ updated edition. 5th edn. Londo论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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