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Harvard商学院 MBA essay sample_www.51lunwen.org

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2012-06-01编辑:lena ding点击率:4148

论文字数:523论文编号:org201206011104453417语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:substantial accomplishmentsJapanese companyHarvard college

摘要:本文由英语论文网-国外essay代写专栏编辑整理发布,该文是一篇Harvard Business School成功申请MBA专业课程的范文,就自身成就的问题展开了阐述,作者分了三个小观点来全面的论述,语言与结构上值得大家学习。

小编导读:本文由英语论文网-国外essay代写专栏编辑整理发布,该文是一篇Harvard Business School成功申请MBA专业课程的范文,就自身成就的问题展开了阐述,作者分了三个小观点来全面的论述,语言与结构上值得大家学习。


Question: Describe your most substantial accomplishments, and explain why you view them as such.

1). Last spring I exported nearly $ 100,000 worth of exercise equipment to Japan. This shipment saved my company more than $ 250,000, due to the price discrepancies between the United States and Japan. I was solely responsible for selecting the equipment, negotiating the price, arranging the insurance, and packing and shipping the equipment to Japan. The first step of the process of selecting the equipment and the company involved inspecting manufacturing facilities based in California, Maryland, Texas, Vermont, and Colorado. I researched the legitimacy of the companies by calling their previous clients, checking credit records, and calling the Better Business Bureau. After exporting the equipment to Japan, I flew to Japan to facilitate the import process. This involved meeting with Japanese customs, as well as assisting in the domestic transportation and installation of the equipment.


I consider this a major accomplishment for three reasons. Firstly, I was solely responsible for the https://www.51lunwen.org/customEssay/ entire project. Secondly, it was a complicated process that involved many unrelated details. Finally, and not least of all, the fact that it was successful also contributes to my sense of pride.


2). When the Japanese company opened its third health club in Japan in July, 1988, it was a great sense of personal satisfaction. Two summers ago, I participated in the planning and design of this club. I saw many of my substantive recommendations implemented, including the installation of a racquetball court system that has movable glass walls to allow squash, racquetball, basketball, and volleyball to be played on the same court. My idea more effectively utilizes very limited and costly space and also provides greater recreational variety for the users. I have previously discussed my export deal that provided more than half of the equipment for the club, which was another source of personal satisfaction. In addition to helping design the club, I was actively involved in sales and marketing. I also conducted club tours for prospective members, and designed a new marketing strategy targeting foreigner’s living in the area. My combined efforts resulted in more than 150 new members.


These accomplishments demonstrate my ability to work successfully in a large group setting as well as in an entirely different language and culture. In addition to the satisfaction of seeing my design recommendations actually implemented, I also enjoyed the challenges of sales and marketing.

3). I am currently co-teaching a Harvard college freshman seminar focusing on the economic development of Japan with Professor X. as a teacher, I had to design a reading list that would provide sufficient information without overwhelming the freshmen who have had no background on the topic. A reading https://www.51lunwen.org/customEssay/ list has to have an overall argument with weekly topics to provide specific examples. Teaching in a seminar format presents a tremendous intellectual challenge of stimulating and guiding discussion. I try to give only directive or simulative comments rather than to lecture. In this manner students will ask questions and I will try to steer the discussion so that the 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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