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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2015-09-16编辑:cinq点击率:8058

论文字数:2000论文编号:org201509161030169706语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Accounting ethicspublic valueglobal financial crisis




Introduction 简介
Professional ethics refers to the basic moral to be followed in people’s professional life. Namely, the general social morality embodied in professional life. The term of professional ethics is the combination of professional morality, professional discipline, professional competence and professional responsibility (Valentine, Fleischman& Bateman, 2015). It belongs to the scope of self-regulation, which regulates on some aspects of professional life through conventions, codes and so on. Professional ethics is both the conduct guidelines of participator and expects of the public, and moral norms and responsibility of participator to the public. As one of the most ancient professions, accountancy has developed its own ethics, Accounting ethics. Accounting ethics is the professional ethics applies to accountants during their professional and daily life, which highlights the professional features of accountants, coordinates the professional and economic relationship in accountants’ professional and daily life (BADEN, 2014). It is the general public morality embodied in accounting work, guidance, which restricts participator’s behavior, adjusts social norms and social relationships between the accountants and society and the relationship between accountants and various interest groups. It runs throughout all areas of accounting work and reflects the integration of social development and personal characteristic development. It also relies on interpersonal relationship adjustment that if it is reasonable, or consistent with the morality requirements and rightfully expects of the society. It transfers the outside, meaning the society, requirements and expects to a internal non-mandatory specification to accountants (Martinov-Bennie&Mladenovic, 2015). Therefore, accounting profession should be practical, intellectual and have regard for the public. In serving the public, it is imperative that professions have and demonstrate a systematic and elite knowledge. it is consistent with the accounting ethics. It will give a brief introduction of accounting ethics and the importance of accounting ethics in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, since interest in the role of accountancy profession in supporting public value remains high. 

Accounting ethics and public value 会计伦理与公共价值

From a historical point of view, accounting is individual behavior of economic agents from gradually developed into a universal social behavior. In this process, along with the development and maturation of the accounting techniques and methods, casting a constraint travel accounting staff code of conduct, including profit or non-profit organization glimpse covet, independent registered accountants and accounting professional ethics. Accounting professional ethics is not static; the second is an evolving process. With the development of market-oriented economy and technology to accelerate economic interests more orientation affects every member of society. At the same time, accounting only can be further deficit station and derivatives. Accounting methods and means have undergon论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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