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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2016-09-30编辑:cinq点击率:5397

论文字数:3000论文编号:org201609300957062688语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文




Introduction 简介
Trade can be the most important source of Gross Domestic Production (GDP) and a powerful engine for economic growth. Based on the World Trade Organization (WTO) investigation, trade has been 'identified as a key priority in the national development strategies of partner countries' (WTO, 2009). However, this description might be more realistic for developed countries. For most of the developing countries, especially the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), the picture might be totally different. The statistics from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) showed that the number of hungry people all over the world in 2010 has reached 925 million, nearly 14% of the world's total population of 6.8 billion'. As a lack of resources, infrastructure, educated labour, information, well-organized institutions, the people's basic living demands cannot be satisfied, let alone to develop economy or construct a stabilized society. Such as a country, which is called Sao Tome and Principe, 75.2% of its GDP come from international aid. All of these facts made international aid extremely necessary and significant. As aid has been playing an increasingly important role in international affairs, the topic about whether aid is performed as a substitute for trade of a complement to trade has aroused a huge debate. A programme called 'Aid-for-Trade' jointly launched by the World Trade Organization and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) might have suggested that aid can help enhance a country's trade capability. At the same time, aid is also being criticized as a block in smoothing trade due to its potential side effects, such as 'Dutch Disease', 'rent-seeking' or corruption problems. Based on all these arguments, this essay is aimed to offer a comparatively comprehensive and objective view of international aid's effects on trade. After a general analysis of all these views and facts, this essay's viewpoint is that aid, from some aspects, can help facilitate trade, but it can also trigger some problems for trade. However, the side effects can be mitigated as long as we take some effective measures. Undeniably, there is a long way to go, still, we have hopes.

Aid's positive effects on trade 援助对贸易的积极影响
The first positive effect on trade is that aid can 'overcome internal trade-barriers' and serve as a complement to market access, this is also an important motive for the 'Aid-for-Trade' (AFT) project (Stiglitz, 2010). Market barriers include tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers. For the Least Developed Countries, the tariff barriers are not the primary constrains for the low exports, rather, the 'weak infrastructure, high product standards, poor access to credit and unfavourable business environment' are the fundamental restrictions for them to enhance论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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