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精选留学生essay范文3篇(艺术、新闻、MBA方向) [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2017-10-09编辑:quanlei_cai点击率:16840

论文字数:论文编号:org201710091620508516语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


tive and dynamic, the contrary hue weaker picture, it has a thick beauty, give the feeling is stable, is thick A piece of work contains a variety of colors, like the bustling city, there are endless lively and noisy, some of the more monotonous color works, such as the harbor after the storm, peace and quiet.


In the process of artistic creation, the photographer usually determines the sense of balance in the shape of the shot by the size, quantity and texture of the object. Color of the cold colors, warm tones, light color, heavy color, strong color, weak color directly affect the tone of the sense of balance. Therefore, in order to foil a part of the picture, accurately express the theme of the work, should be as far as possible to allow the existence of key colors.


In the process of photographing a photographic work, in order to accurately express the theme of the work, to better express the feelings of the author, should choose the key color correctly, and correctly grasp the balance of color. For example, in the process of selecting a key color, the author the choice of colors will be more intense than the main hue, or the green land to compete in full bloom of rape, or snow-capped hills are blooming, or the graceful white dress of the woman in the ballet, in the front of a black suit conductor. In the process of photographic work, the spokesperson of the emotion should be the key color, but cannot be replaced by other colors, this will accurately express the theme of the work, and the theme of the work is contained in the key sedan.


Photographer in the process of expressing photographic emotion, in addition to the effective allocation of color highlighting themes, expression of emotion, in addition, can be changed through the dress style, effective combination of light and shadow conversion effect, the use of the shadow of the screen, effective use of filters and props and background, to build a desired work. The author focuses on the color and emotion expression in photographic art, summarizes and analyzes the experiences and methods in the process of photographic creation, aiming at providing valuable suggestions for photographic creation.


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The era of 'information explosion' gives more vigorous vitality to the deep report. As a popular way of news reporting, the deep report plays an important role in the direction of public opinion, the supervision of public opinion and the diversion of people's sentiments. Whether it is the traditional Media or the emerging network media, the first element of the deep report is the ―― information collector. The quality of the deep report depends on the comprehensive quality and accomplishment of the journalist. Therefore, it is necessary to do some research on how t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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