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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-09-02编辑:lgg点击率:4829

论文字数:37200论文编号:org201309021131473085语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:This thesis focuses on English cooperative revision at junior school.The first purpose of the study is to improve the effectiveness of theteaching and learning. The teachcr helps each student participate activelyin various organized teaching activities and improve their self-confidenceand interpersonal skills.


In this part, the author introduces the background and significance ofthe study, the objectives and contents of the study, structures of the thesis.


0.1 Background and Significance of the Study
With the development of society, social and economic activities are getting more and more global and diverse. The cooperative awareness will play an important role in human's healthy lifestyle in the future. It will become one of basic qualities of talents in 21st century. The 1996 UNESCO "Education Contains Wealthy" clearly states that the four pillars of education are learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to survive. The teaching content has changed from the learning of knowledge into the perfection of personality.

随着社会的发展,社会和经济活动越来越多的全球和多样化。在未来的合作意识将起到重要的作用,在人类的健康的生活方式。它将成为21世纪人才的基本素质之一。 1996年联合国教科文组织“教育本身含有丰富的”中明确指出,教育的四大支柱是学习知道,学会做事,学会共同生活和学会生存。教学内容从知识的学习已经改变了人格的完善。

As a teacher, how should we do in the teaching to meet therequirements of the times? From the reality, we find that the physical andmental development of the students who have good subject knowledgeand high living skills will be better because they not only have moreself-control, multiple views, but also have the abilities of facing problemsand solving problems actively. It's their good communication competence,wonderful expression abilities, and outstanding teamwork, excellent leadership and great creativity that help them have more harmoniousrelationship. The talents with these qualities are those required in 21''century.The New Compulsory National English Curriculum Standardemerges in this case. The overall aim of the curriculum is to developstudents' comprehensive abilities in language use. The new standardfollows the laws of physiological and psychological development needsand characteristics and also shows the integrity, flexibility, adaptabilityand openness. At the same time, teachers are required to pay closeattention to the students' affection and attitude, creating all kinds ofcooperative learning activities to stimulate their interests in learning,encouraging students to leam from each other, helping them experiencethe sense of collective and success, attempting them to gainself-confidence, making them develop the spirit of cooperation, guidingthem to study actively, having them form the ability development as thegoal of learning.The students are encouraged to develop their listening, speaking,reading, writing and comprehensive skills by means of experiencing,practicing, participating, discussing, cooperating and exploring under theteacher's guidance.
The author is working in a junior middle school, which is acombination of urban and rural areas. Most of the students who are from rural areas have quite correct attitude towards study, but they are lack ofstrong studying consciousness. Due to various reasons, the number ofclasses is very large and classroom teaching is still the main form ofEnglish teaching. This kind of teaching mode often makes studentspolarization in learning. Many students lose their interest and confidencein English learning. In class, teachers focus on the explanation andteaching of knowledge about grammar and vocabulary while neglectingto train students' language ability and enabling students to become thepassive receiver of knowledge. Meanwhile,论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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