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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-05-19编辑:lgg点击率:3546

论文字数:39760论文编号:org201405191312165115语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66

关键词:作业布置三 A 互动理论减负初中英语初中英语

摘要:In recent years, the new curriculum reform has always been a hot topic in thefield of education. Each teacher tried to reform his former teaching method, so that itcould adapt to the needs of the modern educational development.

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
"'Student unloading" mainly means to reduce unreasonable, unnecessary burden,by reducing it to promote the implementation of quality Education, so as to promotethe development of students' morality, intelligence morality, fitness and virtue. (LiShihua 2010)Since learning is a tough job and needs to be expended more, if weteachers want the students to alleviate the burden and get the efficiency, the teachersshould change the teaching mode, and at the same time, change their homeworkassignment. On June 13, 1993, CPC Central Committee and State Council ondeepening the reform of the comprehensive promotion of quality education decisionpointed out: "reducing middle school students' schoolwork burden has become aurgent question, and it should be solved carefully. On 1st February 2000, Jiang Zeminin the conversation on the Education Problem pointed out, now some students’ burdenis heavy, the result is appearing so much psychological pressure ". As early as in 1978,Deng Xiaoping in the national education meeting pointed out, Students' burden isheavy, from now on we will still have to take effective measures to prevent andcorrect it.In our country , both teachers and parents regard homework as helping studentsconsolidate, review the knowledge they had learnt at school They also think thehomework operation can develop the students' thinking, interests and skills, so as todevelop students' individual learning and ability to deal with problems( Zhao Dengyan2007) .In the present educational Reference books, Lu Bingfeng(2011) has discussedthat the homework clearly reflects that the homework is generally thought as a kind ofthe supplement and extension to strengthen and perfect the knowledge and skills thatare learned in class, and also plays an important part in cultivating the students'independent learning ability and better study habits.

1.2 The Significance of the Study
Eric Hawkins has compared the teaching of French in British schools to‘gardening in a gale’ (1987). According to Hawkins, teaching foreign language wasnot easy, one can only hope that things are not quite that bad in most cases, however,Exposure theory points to a real problem of all foreign language learning and to alesser extent also the learning of academic and formal registers of the native language.If the gap between what is done in the classroom, and what is done outside theclassroom, is too great, then the possibilities of learning anything at all are veryseriously impaired. So in the English teaching process, there is a link which could notbe avoided, and this link is the homework assignment. Before this study the authorgave some interviews to the middle school students in order to find out somethingabout the homework assignment in their mind. One of the questions is "What do youthink is the most suitable homework to you in the context of unloading?" More thanone third of the students’ answers are "No homework is the most suitable one ." Theseanswers sound innocent and childlike, however, as a matter of fact, they put forwarda more severe question to their English teachers, that is what kind of homework onearth should be assigned to let the students not only learn knowledge but also have thefeeling of no homework. During the author's investigation, when referring to theEnglish homework, most students have a feeling of论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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