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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-06-03编辑:lgg点击率:3711

论文字数:36900论文编号:org201406031329152349语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:First of all, most of the students in the school the researcher teachesin are timid because of geographical and cultural factors. Lack ofconfidence, they are quite afraid of being laughed by classmates andbeing criticizing by the teacher.


0.1 Background and significance of research
In the era of globalization, the importance of communication isobvious. We need communication between countries, organizations of allkinds and human beings. As for the ways to communicate, we havelanguages, thoughts, gestures, expressions, and so on. Among so manylanguages around the world, English is sure to be the most universal andimportant one. In English teaching, teachers should focus more oncultivating students' ability of listening and speaking, which are the mostvital parts in communication. Unfortunately, most students in China arebetter at reading and writing, which are easier to master throughindependent practice and exercise. Listening and speaking practice needscooperation. Apparently cooperative learning is the best choice forEnglish teachers in this respect.No. 6 Middle School is an average middle school in Changsha,Hunan Province. The school has been founded over 100 years, with morethan 2000 students in it. English teaching in such circumstance faces abig challenge in recent years. Most of the students now in this school arefrom the countryside all over Hunan Province, and their English is quitepoor, especially in listening and speaking. On the other hand, there are so many students in each class. Taking Junior 3 the author teaches in as anexample, in each class we have over 40 students. It is difficult forteachers to care about everyone in class. What's more, time is limit inclass, so not every student can get a chance to practice speaking.For the improvement of students' ability of listening and speaking,the researcher applies the teaching strategy of cooperative learning to thelistening and speaking class. In this way, the teacher makes full use ofevery minute and gives a lot more chances to everyone for practice. As isknown to us all, it is practice that makes perfect.

0.2 Problems of language teaching in junior high schools
First of all, most of the students in the school the researcher teachesin are timid because of geographical and cultural factors. Lack ofconfidence, they are quite afraid of being laughed by classmates andbeing criticizing by the teacher. They can do better in reading and writing,but just can't understand others in oral communication. This is the socalled "dumb English".Secondly, as is mentioned in last paragraph, the students are mostlyfrom rural areas. They think English is not so important as Chinese ormath and they just need to pass the exam. They have no idea about howimportant English will be in their future life.Most importantly, the students have no interest in English learning, Traditional language teaching methods make them get used to sitting intheir seats silently and just listening to the teacher without any response.Thus, the teacher should adopt more scientific teaching strategies toarouse their passion in English and help them leam how to learn.

Chapter One Literature Review

1.1 Requirements for junior high school English teaching
New English Curriculum Standard was modified and published in2011. Under this background, it is necessary to illustrate the both therequirements for the Standard and the text book go for it! (Book 3) for abetter demonstration of the feasibility and effect论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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