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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-08-12编辑:lgg点击率:4393

论文字数:36200论文编号:org201408121122574215语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66

关键词:teacher feedback反馈种类个案研究初中英语初中英语教学


1. Introduction

1.1Research Background
The study of “teacher word” has been a focus in the field of linguistics during theseyears, and it has been becoming a vital part in the study of classroom teaching. Teacher wordplays an important role in the process of second language acquisition because it is not only avalid way for teachers to organize the classroom teaching but also an important input methodfor learners in classroom teaching and learning. By now, a large number of foreign scholarssuch as Allwright&Bailey,Chaudron,Couthard,Ellis,Pica&Long,Shapiro,Sinclair&Couthard and so on, have conducted the relative researches about teacher word. In thesestudies, teacher feedback comes to the top, indicating that teacher feedback is important in theprocess of classroom teaching. Generally speaking, feedback refers to the information gottenfrom the result of an action. Therefore, classroom feedback means the information orcomments gotten by learners from teachers or other learners when they finish a task.According to Sinclair and Brazil, classroom discourse is a communicative pattern called IRFwhich means teachers give an initiation at first, and then the learners give their responses, atlast comes the teacher feedback. During this process, the learners’ performances getcommented in teacher feedback, and teacher feedback plays an important role in initiating thefollowing topics as well.

1.2 The Significance of the Study
The present thesis is designed to make a contrast of English teacher feedback between arural junior school and an urban junior school in Shanxi Province, and then expects that someuseful advice can be given to teachers in classroom teaching. Generally speaking, this studyfocuses on the following research questions. 1) What are the types of feedbacks offered byteachers of different teaching experience? 2) What are the types of teacher feedbacks offeredby teachers of different Education backgrounds? 3) How do these types of feedbacks affectclassroom teaching?Practically speaking, through a detailed study of teacher feedback in these two schools,the different kinds of feedbacks offered by teachers are presented. And then the influences ofall kinds of feedbacks are presented, which can provide a better understanding of thesefeedbacks. Finally, in order to provide a creative and effective classroom teaching to meet thelearners’ needs, we should make full use of the advantages of these kinds of feedbacks andavoid the disadvantages.Theoretically speaking, feedback has been studied from many aspects of SLA, such asthe use of feedback in middle school classroom teachings and college English classroomteachings, the contrast study of feedback use in eastern and western countries’ secondlanguage classroom teachings and so on, but few researches have been conducted on thecontrast between feedbacks in two different areas of one province, such as a rural school andan urban school in one province. As mentioned above, in the past decades, most researchesonly focused on the use of feedback of a teacher but failed to make a contrast between teacherfeedback uses in two different schools, especially a rural school and an urban school of oneprovince. To make the researches in this field more enriched, this research concentrates on thecontrast between feedback uses in a rural school and an urban school of Shanxi Province,whi论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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