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体裁教学法在初中英语阅读中的应用研究 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-10-27编辑:lgg点击率:7325

论文字数:37481论文编号:org201710131455583041语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



ved in this research.1. Can genre-based teaching approach enhance the students’ reading strategy?2. Can genre-based teaching approach improve junior high school students’ readingscores?In order to work out the above hypotheses, there are a lot of tests and questionnairesto be needed. What’s more, the relevant results can state the accuracy of answer to thepurposes of the study.

Chapter Two Literature review

This chapter is made up of four parts. Section one refers to the introduction of reading,which involves nature of reading and different models of reading. Next is the research ondifferent genres. At last, it will be showed that the research on the genre-based teachingapproach and the studies on genre-based teaching approach abroad and at home

2.1 Introduction of reading
Nowadays, English reading has become an international activity. As one of four basicEnglish learning skills, English reading should be paid more attention in English teaching.This section mainly discusses some theories and researches on reading, which makes upfour parts, including the nature of reading, some different models of reading and readstrategy.In modern society, reading is used by more and more people to get information andenlarge knowledge. In second language learning, reading is regarded as the readilyavailable way to get more language knowledge. Therefore, it can be seen that reading playsa more and more important role in language learning. However, there are many researcherstrying to make an explanation of reading in their own way. Their basic ideas can beconcluded as follows:One is that some researchers believe that reading can be as a positive process. Theyconsider that reading is a connection between the authors and readers. Tierney(1983) statesthat there is a communication between authors and readers in the reading process. That isto say, readers can make a communication with the authors. The authors can pass theirmeaning to the readers through the passages. However, Catts(2009) considers that readingis not only a communication between authors and readers, but also the communicationbetween readers themselves and text.

2.2 Research on genre
There are mainly three basic genres in English learning in Junior High School. In thispart, the author will introduce the definition and features of different genres.Narration is a writing type that often tends to make use of telling a story, or giving theexplanation of a certain event. It is said that “In its broadest sense, narrative writingincludes real or imaginary stories, biographies, histories, news items and narrativepoems”(Ding&Wu,1996). Narration is often characterized as sentimental, autobiographical,and subjective(Irwin,1991). There are two basic types of narration. The first one is story,and the second is biography. Story, which is around the character and abstract.Exposition is often seen as analytical, logical, objective and clear (Irwin,1991). Inother words, exposition is a writing type that elaborates or explains. It attempts to explaincertain things or phenomena. For example, it will be used to produce a machine or explainnatural phenomena, as well as design a project and solve a problem.Exposition focuses on the facts and explains. There should be a topic sentence in anEnglish exposition passage, it stresses up the main idea of the whole text. The topicsentence is always at the beginning of论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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