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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-12-17编辑:cinq点击率:5896

论文字数:3000论文编号:org201612170928235813语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文




Table of contents
Abstract 3
1.0 Introduction 4
2.0 Method 6
2.1 Design 6
2.2 Participants 6
2.3 Materials 6
2.4 Procedures 7
3.0 Results 8
4.0 Discussion 10
4.1 t Value 10
4.2 Degree of freedom 11
4.3 P Value 12
References 14

Abstract 摘要
Memory is a common topic in the process of the research. In addition, in the research, the author would like to apply the paired sample t-test to adjust the processing of the memory. In this research, the three key values are fully applied: t-value, the degree of the freedom and p-value, so that these three values could defined the finally to prove the relationship for the memories. 

1.0 Introduction 简介
Memory is the recognition of the human mind to remember things, keeping, reproduce or recognize. It is to carry out thinking, imagination and other high-level psychological activities. Human memory and brain structure of the hippocampus, the brain changes in the chemical composition.Memory as a basic psychological process, and other psychological activities are closely linked. Memory links with people's mental activities (Dutriaux&Gyselinck, 2016). Memory is the basic function of people learning, working and living. The process of abstract disorder into image order is the key of memory.The study of memory belongs to the category of psychology or brain science. Modern human memory research continues, although today's science and technology has been developed by leaps and bounds. The use of those after practice can effectively improve the memory of the methods, skills, can make it better serve the human work, dailylife, and learning (von Stülpnagel, Steffens, &Schult, 2016).
While learning is seen as an obvious part of schooling, this makes it a process of concealment and teacher observation, re-instruction, or immediate corrective inaccessibility. An important aspect of learning that is often taken for granted is that learners are successfully involved in multiple messages simultaneously, following multiple step directions, solving problems, or through a lesson or teaching objectives such as self-managing implicit needs such as complex thinking, e.g., tracking of the accumulation over an extended period of time (Moreira, et al., 2015). However, this seemingly basic ability is complex and involves well-coordinated cognitive processes between at least three administrative functions: inhibitory control, working memory renewal, and mental transfer The typical characteristic of working memory capacity is that the information individual can Processing the same time to perform complex tasks.
Normally working memory capacity is characterized as being within the range of information that the individual can process at the same time to perform complex tasks. The larger a person's capacities, the more powerful the attention can be controlled to effectively manipulate the information and avoid processing disturbances. This psychological multitasking is achieved by the parallel processing of short-term memory from a person's attention from the highly activated long-term memory access or temporal information coordination and timely control appearing (Antoniou, Ettlinger, & Wong, 2016). In this way, it can be processed according to nee论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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