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论文作者:英语坊论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-03-31编辑:黄丽樱点击率:23382

论文字数:10468论文编号:org200903312019179276语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:translationnew developments were madetranslation studiesdevelopmentsrepresentative books

d a dominant position there are two main factions : One generalized to the Linguistics (especially text linguistics and textual analysis), based committed to the translation of scientific nature of the building and development experience; The other, from a historical perspective by describing the approach to the study of translation. The intention is to reveal the translation contained in the study and practice of cultural and political factors (see Venuti, 1997). This paper published in the 1990s through the 20th century translation of the three Western representative study tour look at the development of some new features in translation studies. These three books were Description HATIM (Basil Hatim), "written by cross-cultural communication : Text Translation Theory and Comparative Linguistics, "(1997); Harold Kittel (Harald Kittel) and Amin Frank (Armin Frank ), editor-in-chief of "cross-cultural translation of the history and Literature" (1991); DING Da Gorlee (Dinda Gorlee) "written translation and Semiotics" (1994). On the three books, HATIM book can be regarded as the first major study groups mentioned above, the typical book Frank Kittel and is the second-largest faction in the party, however, were made. While this is entirely different from the two major parties, but there is a conspicuous common point, that is strong empirical. In contrast with Gorlee "Semiotics and the Translation," a book is pure research representatives. Three books by this investigation, we can not only a Limited. Translation Studies today to see the two major factions of the West, some features pure research but also some understanding of the West. 1 A two decades, Contrastive Linguistics, Translation and Text Linguistics has made considerable progress, But these three studies combined with the theory is still rare. HATIM the "cross-cultural communication," a book of the laudable efforts made in this respect (see Shen 1999). HATIM discourse in the book dealing with a theoretical model. It contains context, the three most organizations discourse structure and discourse. Discussion in context, HATIM adopt the language field theory (the theory of register). But learning to use language and semiotics (mainly intended for research) is also included in the Register analysis,HATIM that "Conventionality Communication" (T Institutional Communicative ransaction) "Pragmatic" (Pragmatic Action) and the "symbolic interactionism" (I Semiotic nteraction) Context components for the three types of discourse, Discourse discourse structure and play a decisive role. He cited the model as a framework, between the English and Arabic translation of the analysis of text types, Text discourse structure and organization of the system. Discourse on the type, HATIM explanation and demonstration of cultural distinction between the two categories. On the structure of the text, paragraphs divided mainly HATIM, embedded in the main text of the role of the sub-text of the topic. As for the text, HATIM discussed that the main text, Inc., the convergence between the sentence means Direct and Indirect Speech other factors. Copies of the author's discourse on the mode of treatment after full discussion, and broaden the scope, In view of the relationship between text types and politeness strategy. how to deal with two different cultures from the non-fiction text, and how to translate the texts of the issues constituents Irony discussion. Overall, the book has the following characte论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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