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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-05-13编辑:lgg点击率:3684

论文字数:36420论文编号:org201405121054323669语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:Analysis above about the current problem and assessment situation of Englishwriting teaching has exhibited the urgency of bringing changes to the traditionalteacher-dominant and score-oriented summative assessment. In fact,advocates offormative assessment didn't appear in the college English teaching field primarily.

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the research
The escalating globalization and extension of open up policy to the outside worldhave given great prominence to the proficiency of English. Accordingly, increasingattention has been paid to the teaching of ELF (English as a foreign language). CollegeEnglish,as a compulsory course, aims at cultivating students' comprehensive languageapplication ability and enabling them to use English for effective communication infuture study, work and social intercourse. In spite of the great achievements made inrecent years, the teaching result of ELF in China is still below social expectation. As oneof the four basic skills for acquiring a foreign language, writing is an integral part ofEnglish teaching in the college which deserves high attention. Nevertheless, it turns outto be relatively weaker among the students compared with the rest three skills. Accordingto statistical data, the passing rate of CET-4 has increased year by year while that ofwriting has remained stagnant and the average score of writing part has never reached thepassing line. During the process of writing teaching,many students are found to beunwilling to receive writing assignments, perplexed to conceive the writing structure andreluctant to complete the whole composition. All the predicaments have forced front-lineteachers and researchers to endeavor to find out the source of the problem and solutionsto eradicate it.

1.2 Aim of the research
Analysis above about the current problem and Assessment situation of Englishwriting teaching has exhibited the urgency of bringing changes to the traditional teacher-dominant and score-oriented summative Assessment. In fact,advocates offormative assessment didn't appear in the college English teaching field primarily.Researchers have made trials in elementary, junior and senior high schools, finding thatformative assessment can contribute to the improving of students' English learning.Nevertheless, when touching upon college English teaching, researches are mainlyconcentrated upon theoretical studies rather than empirical ones. Practice of formativeassessment concerning college English teaching is seldom involved, not to mention theapplication in the writing teaching.Under such circumstance, this paper proposes the importing of formativeassessment into the writing teaching in college English classroom and aims at narrowingthe gap of empirical research on the application of formative assessment into Englishwriting teaching.

2. Studies on Formative Assessment

2.1 Theoretical study on formative assessment
In this chapter,studies of formative assessment are categorized into two parts,theoretical study and empirical study, with the former going first An overview of the theoretical basis of formative assessment will help to generate abetter understanding of the concept of formative assessment. Among many supportingtheories, Constructivism, Humanism and Multiple Intelligence are the most relevant andinfluential. Constructivism derived from the cognitive psychology. The original Cognitivismbelieves that during instruction, teachers play the dominant role and disseminateknowledge to students who are considered as passive receivers. Correspondingly, theextent of knowledge students have mastered is taken as the only assessment criterion.Therefore, students' learning is isol论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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