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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-07-23编辑:lgg点击率:5227

论文字数:36200论文编号:org201407211124397075语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66

关键词:词块法English Argumentation词块大学生英语教学

摘要:Most of the teachers choose to put the emphasis on the abstract rules of language to facethe test. But the more important the teachers should let the student to master how to use thelanguage successfully in appropriate contexts.

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Present Study
Nowadays English learning is playing a very important role in the society. Most of thejobs require the employees to use English as their second language. In order to face the needof the society, college students have to find an effective way to improve their English. It isuniversally acknowledged that English writing is a central part in English acquisition.Among the speaking skill,reading skill,listening skill and writing skill,writing skill is themost complicated one. It shows learners' abilities of using the language, the ability ofhandling the language rules and the ability of arranging the words. If only the learners getthe strong ability of writing,can they use English freely and logically.Most of the college students can make a good performance on English speaking andlistening. But the English writing is their shortcoming. It is because students may improvetheir listening and speaking abilities not only in the class,but also through the movie or themusic. However students cannot get the effective way to improve their writing abilities. Sothe traditional teaching approach of English writing should be improved. The presentsituation is most of the college students fail to write a satisfactory composition in accordancewith the writing standard of CET4. Though few of them can pass CET4,their writing scoresare low. They are good at using the words and the grammar. The traditional teachingapproach puts the emphasis on the grasp of the vocabulary and grammar. Teachers tell thestudents that the grammar is the utmost important and the students also have to recite a largenumber of vocabularies. But the truth is vocabulary and grammar are just the foundation ofthe writing skill. The unlucky thing is their writing ability does not improve as they expected.They can just write some key words and make the grammar correct. The students can justuse the isolated word repeatedly. They always fail to satisfy the requirement. Their essaysare not coherent and fluent. The students do not consider about the context. They need toaccept an effective training to help them.

1.2 The Significance of the Present Study
Most of the teachers choose to put the emphasis on the abstract rules of language to facethe test. But the more important the teachers should let the student to master how to use thelanguage successfully in appropriate contexts. The college students' writing situation is veryserious. Their essays can be seen as the combination of the words,which is not coherent andfluent. The problem even appears at their translation. They can just write out some keywords,but unable to make them into a meaningful and coherent discourse according to thecontext. In fact,writing is a very important part of the process of English study. If the studentis good at writing,their oral English would be improved, too. Because writing needs thepeople construct a logical structure in their mind. If they can write logically and fluently,they can speak it out,too. Writing also helps the learner to enhance their ability of readingcomprehension. If they know about the style of the writing, they can judge the readingmaterials easily and they can get the main idea of the passage.Above to all, it seems that writing is an isolated part of English learning. In fact,it isnot. Writing skill ge论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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