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模因论视阈下说写结合在大学英语写作教学中的应用研究 [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-08-16编辑:lgg点击率:8923

论文字数:38512论文编号:org201708131930081862语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter Four methodology.......31 
4.1 Research Questions......31 
4.2 Subjects .............31 
4.3 Teaching Materials.......32
4.4 Teaching Procedures....33 
4.5 Data Collection............36 
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion............39 
5.1 Analysis of the Compositions Written before and after the Experiment.........39 
5.2 Analysis of the Composition Sample of EG before and after........55 
5.3 Analysis of the Questionnaires .........58 

Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion 

The  previous  chapter  presents  the  methodology  adopted  in  this  study.  This chapter is mainly about the analysis and discussion of the data. This chapter presents features of the word usage, sentence patterns and cohesion in compositions before and after the experiment, effects of the teaching method on students’ writing ability as well as students’ attitudes to English writing. 

5.1 Analysis of the Compositions Written before and after the Experiment  

Valid  compositions  must  meet  the  following  requirements:  1.  words  in compositions are no less than 100; 2. contents of the composition are related to the given topic; 3. more than  half of the sentences  in compositions are complete. The compositions  are  analyzed  from  three  aspects:  the  misuse  of  words,  the  use  of sentence patterns and cohesion. 34 valid compositions are collected in the EG before and after the experiment. 34 valid compositions are also collected in the CG. As for the word usage, the author mainly  focuses  on  the  mix-up  of  synonym,  mix-up of  word  class  and  collocation errors in students’ compositions.  Table 5.1 shows that in EG the number of mix-up of word class is the largest (73),  collocation  errors  ranking  the  second  (64)  and  mix-up  of  synonyms  is  the lowest (26). The number of each kind of misuse of words in CG is very close to that of EG before the experiment with slight larger number of the misuse of synonyms and collocation errors. The number of the misuse of synonyms is 28, and collocation errors 66. The number of misuse of word class is 70. The overall ranking of these three kinds of misuse of words is the same as that of EG. It can be seen from Table 5.1 students in both CG and EG are at a similar level in terms of these three aspect of word usage. And the percentages of collocation errors and misuse of word class are higher than that of the mix-up of synonyms in both classes.



In  the  previous  chapter,  the  author  has  analyzed  the  characteristics  of  the students’ use of words, sentence patterns and conjunctions as well as the influence of combining  speaking  and  writing  based  on  memetics  on  students’  attitudes  toward English writing. This chapter presents major findings and provides the limitations of this study and some suggestions for further study. This stu论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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