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乌克兰留学作业:情绪智力与创造性领导 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2016-02-22编辑:kittytwin点击率:12284

论文字数:2474论文编号:org201602191123441718语种:中文 Chinese地区:乌克兰价格:免费论文

关键词:Emotional Intelligence创造创新


1999) while another position holds that extrinsic rewards can enhance creativity (Eisenberg & Cameron, 1996). Baer et al (2003) suggest that job complexity and people's creative problem solving style, specifically adaptation versus innovation, interact in determining the effects of rewards. Therefore, a leader should be able to provide a range of rewards but more on creating conditions likely to foster intrinsic motivation.

No matter how great a team gets in terms of innovation, creative cultures keep on questioning things. They want to know how to do things even better and are humble enough to know that they are continuously growing and learning and always in need of feedback and new information (Robinson, 2011).

授权型领导——Empowering Leadership

The literature suggests that leaders have much to do in encouraging creativity in their employees. Mumford & Licuanan (2004) have summarized conditions that shape the impact of leader behavior on creativity and innovation. These include the creativity of their followers; work group processes guided by clarity of objectives, emphasis on quality, participation and support for innovation; leader control of rewards; job characteristics such as job complexity and challenge; and organizational climate and structure. Mumford, Connelly, & Gaddis, (2003) identify that leaders should possess substantial technical and professional expertise as well as substantial creative thinking skills. These researchers argue that creative thought on the part of leaders begin with evaluation of their followers' ideas. This evaluation stimulates brainstorming efforts of both leaders and followers where idea generation becomes active. Followers' ideas are reshaped and reformed based on their leader's expertise and professional experiences (Mumford & Licuanan, 2004).

Innovation can only be possible if imagination and creativity have been cultivated in an organization, and this needs to be initiated by organizational leaders. Leaders should nurture a culture where everyone's ideas are valued and maintain a balance of freedom to experiment and an agreed system of evaluation. Generally, they facilitate a harmonious relationship between the external and internal cultures, with the external culture consisting of 'technological innovations, population change, new patterns of trade, fluctuation in fiscal and monetary policies, global competition, the increasing strains on natural resources and the effects of all of these on how customers and clients are thinking and feeling' (Robinson, 2011, p. 98). Internal culture involves social behaviours and practices accepted in the organization which gives it its distinctive feel. It can be said that it is how things are usually done in the organization. The leader of the organization has three main roles in developing a culture of creativity namely the personal, group and cultural roles. These roles feed into each other and may sometimes overlap in order to enrich creativity (Robinson, 2011).

Robinson (2011) explains that the leader needs to be able to facilitate the creative abilities of every member of the organization. Acknowledging that each member has creative potential, the leader should allow them to participate in some functions that entail sharing of their ideas, as some of these may be very helpful to the organization. It will also make 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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