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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-29编辑:yangcheng点击率:3597

论文字数:论文编号:org201308282108584467语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文




(1) to establish a good mechanism to return items

对C2C 网站而言,由于网站只是起第三方的监督管理的作用,卖方是否有售后服务并不在网站管理范围内,因此对C2C 网站来说,应在网站醒目处告知买家,货品的售后服务由卖家来承担。同时对那些有售后服务承诺的卖家,应该加强管理,保障买家权益。对B2C 网站,主要是大型电器零售店的网上商店,要将网上销售与传统销售的售后服务等同这个概念传达给消费者,以消除消费者的顾虑。

On the C2C site, since the site is just up the role of supervision and management of third-party seller if service is not within the scope of the site management, so the C2C website, it should inform the buyer on the site striking department, after-sales service of goods be borne by the seller. While those with service commitments of the seller, should strengthen management, protect buyers interests. For B2C sites, mainly large appliances retail online store, to online sales and traditional sales service equivalent to the concept to convey to consumers, in order to eliminate the concerns of consumers.


(2) 打造网站品牌

(2) to build websites Brands


    Whether users believe a website, with the site's credibility is directly related to, a website brand hard, and I believe it provides the user of natural products of good quality, and then consider when purchasing a less impediments. Moreover, the ultimate goal of e-commerce sites to attract venture capital, there is a good website brand, is very conducive to attracting venture capital.


(3) hardware-pronged approach to improve network safety and consumer confidence

Hardware refers to the shopping site for the protection of transaction security technology. In the online trading system and procedures, should make good use of existing security technologies such as encryption, firewall technology, and authentication technologies or the use of virtual private network information to prevent or reduce the possibility of theft and tampering. Software refers to enhance consumer confidence in the site. Extensive survey showed that: Site registration information, business qualification display, complete contact information, authoritative network security certification mark and other information, can enhance the degree of user acceptance; in product / service display at the same time, demonstrate the product / service customer service evaluation, experience, etc., use word of mouth to promote their heritage site integrity, can also increase the interest and confidence of users to buy.


Now more people are mostly acceptable shipping method and postal delivery. To accelerate the delivery speed, it is necessary to set up a company specializing in the distribution; two e-commerce is best carried out by city, choose the local distribution partners, or engage in their own distribution business.


    E-commerce companies can not only consider the website hits and the number of orders, but also taking into account the distribution costs, try to control the online sales of goods in determining the distribution range, and try to make the relative concentration and the formation of scale. Strengthen management, cut costs, reduce logistics costs and distribution services prices, increase distribution channels and facilities construction, and in the long run, help reduce the steady distribution of costs and pri论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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