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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-30编辑:yangcheng点击率:6716

论文字数:1077论文编号:org201308300856074296语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文




As technology advances and the continuous development of economic globalization, the increasingly fierce market competition , coupled with the acceleration of changes in customer demand , supply chain operations to the enterprise has brought a revolutionary change and impact . This change increases the competitiveness of companies affected Internet, interactive Web applications and to change the existing structure of the supply chain . The multi-level supply chain into an open Internet-based supply chain . However, the global supply chain networks increasingly reflected in e-commerce -based information technology, integrated supply chain management.



E-commerce supply chain management based on e-commerce and supply chain management is the combination of its customer-centric , integrated throughout the supply chain process , full use of external resources to achieve fast agile response , greatly reducing inventory levels. Both for the development of e-commerce supply chain management implementation to create good conditions, but also put forward higher requirements, electronic supply chain management will be the future of supply chain management, the main form , and as more and more enterprises know and use . Supply chain management has become a modern enterprises to improve their market adaptability and competitiveness in important ways , but also important in today's international business management direction and important areas.

Ecommerce originated 20 years ago with a value-added network and EDI applications, commercial promotion on the INTERNET , E-commerce has developed rapidly , but for the concept of e-commerce is currently no uniform definition , the experts point of view are not the same , in practice, only to be concluded on the basis of the application form .

By the organization earlier OECD study on e-commerce system bodies , he will e-commerce is defined as: on the use of electronic means to engage in commercial activities , which is based on electronic processing and information technology. Such as : text, sound and image data transmission , etc. , combined with e-commerce and supply chain management development , we believe that e-commerce refers to the transaction or participant use of modern information technology for all kinds of business activities, which include procurement, production, circulation, distribution , exchange and consumption and other aspects connected to all the activities of production and consumption of electronic information processing , e-commerce only narrowly via the Internet (Internet network ) attributable to business activities conducted by e-commerce, while broad including the Internet, e-commerce will be laid down using the network (Intranet), local area network (LAN) and other names and different forms of networks , including all the computer networks of all commercial activities subsumed within the e-commerce. E-commerce has a wealth of meaning :

First , e-commerce is an advanced information technology business activities of way . Parties to the transa论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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