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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:案例分析 Case Study登出时间:2015-09-29编辑:chenyuting点击率:13721

论文字数:2691论文编号:org201509271648328371语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:eBayonline paymentonline communication


almost anything item you need or want at very low deal better than you can find at any traditional brick and mortar, even online stores. But caution should be taken because of rotten or fake items deals on eBay.

A Place to Sell. No matter the size of our product or services, eBay has various categories channels to sell items. eBay's global reach can even move unusual items that are not in demand in our own neighborhood in to cash.

A Place to Shop. Large variety of items can be found for sale on eBay, many members have discovered that eBay is one of the best place in the world to window or comparison shop. These items include photos, detailed descriptions, and owner experiences. Because you see lots of the same items side by side in various conditions and know what each one sold or selling for, eBay gives you insight into the real market value of most types of goods around the globe.

A Website:With no physical building eBay store, Founded in San Jose but now carry out daily activities from various cities, eBay's service exist basically online apart from the delivery of bought and sold items every other network of the business are handled through eBay website.

Socially Responsible: eBay with its B2C way of handling business has lower the barriers to buying and selling, these bring a massive global awareness to it business. It also fosters new economic opportunities to developing areas and brings cultural understanding between different populations. This has made eBay one of the world's most interesting and exciting trans-national ambassadors.


eBay is a cutting edge in commence by selling almost everything be it of what nature with it's presence in every corners of the globe with no physical store, with limited staffs but satisfy it numerous customer worldwide. But how is this possible?

Social Media Marketing: Recent addition to organizations plans. Integrated marketing communications is a practice organization follow to connect with their target markets.

Integrated marketing communications coordinates promotional elements, advertising, personnel selling, public relations, publicity, direct marketing and sale promotion. Increasingly viral marketing campaigns are also grouped into integrated marketing communications for eBay. The growth of social media has impacted the way organizations communicate, the internet provide set of idea which enable persons to develop social and business platform, share knowhow and collaborate on project online.

Cell Phones: Usage has also become a benefit for eBay media marketing. Today many cell phones have social networking capabilities, individuals are notified of any happenings on social networkingsites through their cell phones in real-time. This constant connection to social networking sites means products and companies can constantly remind and update followers about their capabilities, uses, importance, etc. Since cell phones are connected to social networking sites, advertisements are always in sight.

Computers: The use of computer has come to stay in our daily life be it at home, offices, school, this is one of the basic tools used by eMarketers worldwide, eBay uses the help of computer since they don't physical store to carry out their daily business and this is done by logging into their论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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