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256. dictionaries and how to choose dictionaries[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Chapter 1: Introduction 1) There are many different types of dictionaries and each type of dictionary has its own nature, origin, characteristics and functions. 2) All dictionaries with four basic components, the main function o
  • 论文类别:Education     人气:2644     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

257. a brief analysis of english teaching in senior high school[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Abstract: Classroom teaching is the main way for students to learn English. But in senior high school, a lots of probelms still exsit in the English teaching especially in the teaching of reading and writing. In this paper, the importance and methods of reading and writing
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258. study on choices of translation strategies [内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • Study on Choices of Translation Strategies Author’s Name University Abstract The Choices of Translation Strategies is one of a sticking point in the translation of English to Chinese. Literal translation, free translation, domesticating translation and foreignizing translation are descri
  • 论文类别:Education     人气:4672     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation

259. study on efl learner's use of metacognitive strategies in listening c..[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Study on EFL Learner's Use of Metacognitive Strategies in Listening ComprehensionABSTRACT Learning strategy is one of the focuses of linguists and English teachers, whilemetacognitive strategies-一the strategies that are in the executive p
  • 论文类别:Education     人气:6098     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

260. investigation on learning strategies employed by college students in e..[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Abstract Listening comprehension plays an important role both in daily communication and in second language acquisition and learning. Our newly issued document “The Requirement for College English Teaching (the pilot one)” emphasizes the cultivation of college students’ listening comprehensi
  • 论文类别:Education     人气:4314     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation

261. a comparative study[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • Abstract: As we know, Hanfeizi is the most representative figure of the legist school. His ideas are best described in his book “Hanfeizi ”,in which he strongly advocated the importance of “law”, “means”, “force ” for an emperor to control his country. About one thousand years later, in Italy there
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262. 英语毕业论文:what does language testing have to offer?[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • University of California, Los Angeles   Advances in language testing in the past decade have occurred in three areas: (a) the development of a theoretical view that considers language ability to be multicomponential and recognizes the influence of the test method and test taker characteristics o
  • 论文类别:Education     人气:26438     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation

263. 英语毕业论文:computers in language testing[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • This article begins by exploring recent developments in the use of computers in language testing in four areas: (a) item banking, (b) computer-assisted language testing, (c) computerized-adaptive language testing, and (d) research on the effectiveness of computers in language testing. The articl
  • 论文类别:Education     人气:28602     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation

264. 英语专业毕业论文范文 a brief analysis of english teaching in senior hi..[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • A Brief Analysis of english teaching in senior high school Abstract: Classroom teaching is the main way for students to learn English. But in senior high school, a lots of probelms still exsit in the English teaching especially in the teaching of reading and writing. In this paper, the importanc
  • 论文类别:Education     人气:14593     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation

265. the summarize of learning styles[内容预览]原创论文 Original thesis
  • The summarize of learning styles Author’s Name Abstract A learning style is an individual method of learning that is presumed to affect individual experiences and attitudes toward the course. However, since there is no currently existing overall and holistic theory of learning styles, controve
  • 论文类别:Education     人气:3442     论文属性:课程作业 Coursework

266. 优化英语教学环境,提高中学生的跨文化交际能力optimizing the atmosphere ..[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Optimizing the Atmosphere of English Learning to Improve the Intercultural Communication Competence of the Students in Middle Schools CONTENTS Acknowledgements...........................................................................................I Abstract in Chinese.......................
  • 论文类别:Education     人气:6880     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

267. how to improve your students writing level[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • At the moment, most of the teachers of English are trying their best to make their students improve their written English.But how to improve writing level isn’t easy. You should put hearts into it and pay much more attation to the grammar knowledge,spelling,sentences,phrases and so on.I’ll tell you
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268. some advice on how to become good teachers of english[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • Every teacher of English is eager to popular to his\her students and become excellent teacher. But how to succeed in doing so is still a big problem. As teachers of English, we should love our work as well as our students.   First of all, we should have a good knowledge of English, because as lo
  • 论文类别:Education     人气:5208     论文属性:短文 essay

269. retelling the texts is a good and practical way to improve oral englis..[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • 文题目:《Retelling the texts is a good and practical way to improve oral English》   摘要:用英语复述课文意在让学生用自己的语言来模仿讲述所学的内容,通过复述课文,可以提高学生的口语表达能力。它是提高英语口语的有效途径。   Abstract:  Retelling the texts means students use their own understandings to refine or imitate an article which is similar to the text. By re
  • 论文类别:Education     人气:10451     论文属性:短文 essay

270. on incompatibility of gravitational radiation with the 1915[内容预览]免费论文 Free Thesis
  • Applied and Pure Research Institute 17 Newcastle Drive, Nashua, NH 03060 Physics Essays, vol. 13, no. 4, 2000 Abstract It is shown that the 1915 Einstein equation is incompatible with the physical notion that a wave carries away energy-momentum. This proof is compatible with that M
  • 论文类别:Education     人气:2870     论文属性:短文 essay


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