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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2013-09-07编辑:yangcheng点击率:4095

论文字数:1340论文编号:org201309062315414064语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文




All along, in our homeland vast country , due to economic , political, cultural customs between the east and west , between urban and rural areas there are still some gaps , resulting in superior Education appeared on the eastern western city of gifted unbalanced situation in the country . With the rapid development of telecommunication technologies and applications , people have gradually apply it to the country's education career to constantly narrow the education gap and promote balanced development of urban and rural education , realize educational information .


In the 21st century, China Education Information entered a rapid development period , the end of 2002 , the national primary and secondary schools already have an impressive number of computers and the campus network . However, compared with developed countries there are still significant gaps between urban and rural China , between eastern and western development is very uneven. Therefore, the implementation of modern distance education project is to solve the shortage of teaching resources in rural primary and secondary education , teacher lack of strength, not high quality of teaching an important way to achieve leapfrog development of rural education inevitable choice .

September 2003 , the State Council held a national rural education work conference , issued a " State Council on Further Strengthening Rural Education 's decision ." "Decision" clearly put forward the implementation of distance education in rural primary and secondary schools ( referred Rural Distance ) , promote urban and rural quality educational resources sharing, improve the quality and efficiency of rural education , and strive with 5 years or so , basically have the rural junior high school computer teacher , Primary basically have satellite teaching ratings points , primary teaching point with teaching CD playback equipment and complete sets of teaching CD [ 1 ] .

Agricultural engineering is not only far from modern distance education in rural primary and secondary platform , but also to promote the pace of development of new rural construction in rural primary and secondary schools in rural areas will be the cultural center , through the Rural Distance advanced equipment for the moment of advanced agricultural technology, construction of new countryside to provide more scientific and technical information to improve agricultural practitioners technological and cultural .

End of 2007, the central and local support, most of the country 's " modern distance education in rural primary and secondary schools project" have been basically completed the initial task of planning and construction , the effective implementation of the project on the equalization of educational development has played a catalytic role in accelerating the development of information technology in education process , shortening the gap between developed countries and the world .

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