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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2013-10-29编辑:yangcheng点击率:3894

论文字数:1321论文编号:org201310211727211044语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文




Different disciplines have different personality to understand and define the focus of research varies. In psychology , personality refers to relatively stable individual psychological tendencies and psychological characteristics of the sum , also known personality psychology. Personality tendencies mainly refers to the awareness of personality tendencies , including the people's needs and motivations , interests and hobbies , beliefs and ideals and other ingredients ; individual psychological characteristics are reflected in the ability, temperament and personality and so on. Sociology major from the relationship between the individual and society and the individual's socialization perspective personality, that personality " is as a social individual in society play a unique role in the field of the social nature ", " the so-called human personality , which is an individual in a certain the formation of social relations physiological characteristics , psychological characteristics , social characteristics combine in unique ways leaving the individual with the social uniqueness. Briefly, the human personality is the personality unique social nature . " from the perspective of Education , the so-called personality, in certain physiological and psychological basis , under certain historical conditions, through education, awareness and practice of the object itself , formed and developed the unique physical structure of the individual and their performance . It focuses showed that personality is a manifestation of people 's overall quality . Ethics will focus on from the moral quality and value ethical perspectives personality problem, the personality as a measure of value judgment , so that the individual has to evaluate the nature . In philosophy, the personality is relative to the common terms , referring to the contradictory things and each side has its own characteristics, namely the particularity of contradiction .


Personalized education is examination-oriented education for the shortcomings - seriously neglected and repressed personality development, one-sided pursuit of enrollment rate concerned. Personalized education emphasizes respect for the human personality and human personality to explore the potential advantages , advocates develop good quality comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality who advocate the characteristics of education is to develop and strengthen the quality of the educated and good personality preventive, rehabilitative education the quality of those bad personality unification process is to promote the quality of the educated to the reality of the ideal personality qualities personality transformation process that is personalized and socialization, education and self-education of others unity . Compared with the main education , individualized education to focus more on the individual 's unique inner potential and qualifications of the wake-up and development, and the main focus is the education of its students' initiative, independence and creativity training. The implementation of personalized education is buil论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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