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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2014-08-11编辑:felicia点击率:13795

论文字数:7459论文编号:org201408081358287915语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:学习经验课堂环境learning experienceslearning processclassroom context


1.1 研究的背景



1.1. Background of the study

The purpose of this study is to investigate fourth graders' learning experiences in using English as foreign language during the learning process in classroom context.

In the process of learning, learners need experience as a result of what they have been involved in that learning. Experience is gained by direct involvement or participation of an event. As stated by Kellough (1998 : 280) when students are involved in direct experiences, they are using more of their sensory input channels, their learning modalities (i.e., auditory, visual, tactile, kinesthetic); and when all the senses are engaged, learning is most effective, meaningful and longest lasting. Moreover, in the context of learning English as foreign language, experience in using English is essential to achieve effective, meaningful, and longest lasting learning. As the results, learners are able to use the language for their daily communication.Experience will be better to gain when learning is done in early age.

Curtain and Pesola (1988:3) stated that when language learning begins earlier, it can go on longer and provide more practice and experience, leading ultimately to greater fluency and effectiveness. This study was employed to pupils who have range age from 7 until 10 years old (concrete stages) (Curtain and Pesola, 1988). It is assumed that when they learn English from Primary School, they have more practice and experience. As supported by Curtain and Pesola (1988:3) the thinking skills of most children in elementary school foreign language programs are at the concrete stage, and experience plays a major role in all learning.

However, children learning English as a foreign language in Indonesian elementary school context face many serious challenges. One challenge relates to lack of social uses of the English language real-life situations which would likely involve children in their daily life (CREST, 2002 :3). The pupils have experience in using English only from classroom context. They are lack to face real English communication. Moon (2001:14) added that in the foreign language situation, the pupils depend almost entirely on the school for input. Consequently, the English learning experience in classroom context is very essential to support pupils' practice and communication simulation.

For that reason, it is needed to conduct a study which is investigating whether learning experiences in our Primary School has accommodate pupils' practice and simulation communication. The findings of this investigation are answered by describing learning experience from the classroom observation and categorizing data description.

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