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澳大利亚留学生education thesis范文

论文作者:jessica论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2014-11-10编辑:jessica点击率:16262

论文字数:7961论文编号:org201411100954423188语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文







该研究人员希望广泛探索目前社会的地位和社会机构,如家庭,学校和课程,以及可能发展本国公民联盟(南盟期刊人力资源开发,2005年)中提及的特质。事实上,教育的一个重要方面,常常被忽视或处理不当的是青少年学生的公民意识的准备。公民教育是一个广泛的课程,是一个多学科。根据当地和国家的需要,关乎是否能教好,是否能发展 。它可以提升权力,责任,技能和价值观的意识去增强民主社会生活的意识。据克里克报告(1999),公民教育正在成为我国教育体系的基石主题,(国家课程国籍,1999年)。

Introduction Of Education And Citizenship 

Education serves as a way to bring about the desired and deserving change in society, to develop a new generation of admirable individuals and thus cause the growth of good people and efficient people.

The fundamental purposes of education are to gain knowledge to inculcate the forms of proper conduct and to acquire practical competency. Therefore, the basic and universal aim of Education is to relocate excellent methods into the youngsters in such a way that they consciously adopt good habits and choices do away and reject the bad ones. Hence, Education played a crucial role in focused efforts to build and mold a nation, not only economically, but also culturally and psychologically (Chua & Kuo, 1991).

In every state, Education for youths encourages the individuals to aware about civic, political moral dimensions of citizenship in them. Education motivates the youths to come ahead to perform for community. It instills in them a sensation that they are part of the community and that it is their liability to generate it on the righteous direction. In every state, the most important goal of education is preparation of young people for their role as good citizens. The researcher believes that, Information for citizenship provides adolescents with the knowledge, abilities and knowing to play an effective part in public life. Citizenship motivates them to take an interest in typical and controversial issues and to get engage in discussion and debates. It means that the pupils must learn about their rights, responsibilities, duties and freedom and about laws, justice and they must know democracy. They must understand to take aspect in decision-making and different types of activity because they have to play an active role in their school life, neighborhoods, areas and broader community as dynamic and global people.
The researcher wants to explore the current status of society and Social institutions like family, school and curriculum at large have failed to develop above mentioned qualities among its citizens (SAARC Journal of Human Resource Development, 2005). As a matter of fact, a critical aspect of education that is often overlooked or inadequately addressed is the preparation of young school students for citizenship. Citizenship education is a broad curriculum and is more than a subject. If it is taught well and developed according to local and national needs. It can develop the awareness of rights and responsibilities skills and values which can enhance democratic soci论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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