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论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2015-07-22编辑:wangjinjin点击率:8407

论文字数:3465论文编号:org201507180929018473语种:英语 English地区:新加坡价格:免费论文





我对这块领域的兴趣主要来自于我作为学生时候的背景。那时的我喜欢充满挑战和风险的课外活动例如P E,科学设计和技术,这些都被认为是一个高风险活动(克罗那,1987年)。作为一名从事过许多行业,有着15年工作经验的学生教师,我也意识到学校的健康和安全状况是我们所在乎的关键。

Analysis of Health and Safety within Design

Health and safety plays a crucial role in the teaching and learning ofdesign and technology. This is such a wide subject area that the focus of this paper will be to analysis the teacher's role within health and safety; the best practice for teachers within the classroom; health and safety within the curriculum. The purpose of the study is to provide myself with the background knowledge and guidance on safe practice across the range of areas considered to involve higher levels of risk with the design and technology curriculum.

My interest in this area comes from my background as a pupil who enjoyed the challenge and risk of curricular activities such as P.E, science and design and technology which are considered to be a high risk area (Croner, 1987). As a student teacher with 15 years work experience across many industries, I am conscious that the health and safety conditions within schools are considered to be behind those which we would find within industry.

Health and safety in schools has been found to be 'seriously inadequate', a report has revealed. An internal audit conducted by Leicestershire County Council flagged up several areas of 'significant concern' in a sample of six schools and two community centres.

A further report concluded health and safety was poor across the council's children and young people's service, partly because there was 'no clarity on who holds responsibility for health and safety within the department. [1] 

'The government is committed to making schools safe and happy places for children and young people. Complying with health and safety duties is integral to this. 'Evidence shows that breaches of these statutory provisions are rife.' [2] 

As a student teacher I believe Liverpool John Moore's University has examined the importance of health and safety within our Initial Teacher Training and the increasing responsibilities of teachers to secure a safe environment for all.Health and safety should be at the forefront of any teachers mind as we are fully responsible for each student when they walk into the room and also other areas around school. This is more apparent in practical subjects such as design and technology, science andP.E.

Teaching safety

We as teachers have a responsibility to comply with the QCA and HSE health and safety teaching requirements to teach students and develop a culture of health and safety. When working with tools, equipment and materials, in practical activities and in different environments, including those that are unfamiliar, students should be taught:

About hazards, risk and risk control;

To recognise hazards, assess consequent risks and take steps to control the risks to themselves and others;
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