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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-06-14编辑:lgg点击率:6694

论文字数:38569论文编号:org201706132107308558语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter One Introduction 

1.1  Background of the Study 
When the topic comes to the issue of language teaching, grammar teaching always takes a crucial position as it is considered. It has been a hot issue in the research of language teaching for tens of years. For  primary  school  students,  without  exception,  who  are t he  freshmen  of En glish,  grammar  can’t  be neglected either. Many students still feel that it's hard to master the grammatical rules and mistakes are made in their speaking and writing with high frequency. Consulting the References, lots of researchers and professors tried to find an efficient way for EFL learners to enhance the grammar learning, and the teaching approach varies from time to time. English teaching experiences a continuously enrichment of the content, the teaching theory and teaching methods also  constantly  renewed, fr om  the tra ditional  Grammar-translation  teaching  method  to  Communicative approach, and then to the latest Task-based language teaching. A decade ago, great changes in language teaching  in Ch ina  have  occurred  due  to an  alteration  in  educational  concepts  in  the  field  of  second language acquisition (SLA). Learners have become the center of language teaching. Since the New English Curriculum  Standards  (2001)  has  been  put  into  effect,  the  country  launched  a s tudy  of  application  of Task-based language teaching (TBLT). According to Jane Willis (1996) and Peter Skehan (1998), there are three core areas in Task-based language teaching: pre-task, during task (task cycle) and post-task. Willis attaches importance to a methodology to combine naturalness of communication with factors to Focus on Form (Fon F) in tasks. And Skehan takes the same view to achieve the balance between form and meaning. In 1988, Long was the first one who put forward the Focus on Form approach, which has become the central point of the studies in investigation of foreign language teaching gradually. He proposed that the form  of languag e  should  be  noticed  through  the  meaning-oriented  communicative  teaching  class.  This approach is prevailing because it does a great help to students’ communicative competence, as well as the grammatical competence. As Long’s theory indicated, researchers have paid more attention to combine the Focus on Form with language teaching, they tend to apply the theory in order  to get students to make progress in their language learning. 

1.2  Purpose of the Study 
For  the  past  decades,  both  TBLT  and  Fon F h ave  been  hot  research  topics  in  language  teaching research. However, most of the researches just discretely divide them into different theory and area. As Ellis (2003) proposed, the task acts a crucial role in language teaching. “Task” is so important not only for the researchers but also for English teachers. It is a method to generate learners’ language samples for  research  purposes.  Meanwhile,  it  is  a  kind  of  tool  which &n论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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