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英汉散射型虚拟位移表达的比较探讨 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-11-05编辑:vicky点击率:505

论文字数:44525论文编号:org202310311514476866语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



on fictivemotion expressions share the features of Satellite-language.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Emanation Fictive Motion

As a common sentence structure,emanation expressions can be seen in many kindsof languages.This part mainly reviews the definition and basic characteristics of,aswell as classification of English and Chinese emanation sentences in order to make asolid foundation to the core of the thesis.

2.1.1 Definition

It is necessary to have an introduction to fictive motion before knowing theemanation fictive motion.

Fictive motion is a term that used to describe the static state of things by movingverbs.It is also commonly used in domestic studies.The terms imaginary movement,imaginative movement,or virtual movement sentences are often used to describe thisphenomenon.Fictive motion exists in the spatial sphere,as opposed to real movement,and is typically perceived visually,but not actually occurring.Talmy believes that thereis a“systematic cross-cognition continuum”that can be used to describe unrealphenomena.Under this continuum,various languages also show similarities anddifferences in sensory and expression due to the specific features of cognitive systems.Talmy(2000a)finally defines the concept of fictive motion as the representation ofwhat is actually perceived as a static referent as motion in the literal sense of thesentence.This study argues that the phenomena occurring in both visual perception andmental perception are perceptions of non-real motion phenomena through the action ofhuman cognition,with no actual motion occurring,and are both fictive motion.

2.2 Theoretical Studies on English and Chinese EFM

Emanation fictive motion expressions exist commonly in English and Chinese,andattract many linguists to study due to its frequent usage and special structure.In previoustheoretical studies,most of the scholars started from ontology research and cognitivemechanism behind it.

2.2.1 Ontology Research

Talmy,Langacker and Fauconnier were the early linguists who started working onfictive motion.

Talmy(1972)first noticed this linguistic phenomenon.He placed that fictivemotion exists on the human cognitive system and pointed out that fictive motion is thespecific manifestation of the'overlapping systems'in the cognitive system based on thelanguage.Fictive motion expression integrates reality representation and virtualrepresentation together.The description of a static entity is given a dynamic semanticcharacter.He can be regarded as the first linguist abroad who began to study fictivemotion in depth and was the founder of fictive motion.Leonard Talmy systematicallyanalyzed the cognitive representation,theoretical framework,and category of fictitiousmovement of fictive motion in Cognitive Semantics(Volume I):Concept ConstructionSystems and Cognitive Semantics(Volume II):Types and Processes of ConceptConstruction,which laid the foundation of cognitive semantics.In a series of fictivemotion categories,the emanation fictive motion which has not been studied is studieddeeply.Talmy divided emanation fictive motion into four categories,includingorientation path,sensory path,radiation path,shadow path,which are introduce above.Talmy(1996)also pointed out the cognitive principles for determining source object infictive motion:entities with higher positivity and determi论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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