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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2013-07-26编辑:tinkle点击率:4298

论文字数:522论文编号:org201307260951252805语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:onlinesocial meaning500字作业



4、this like a jungle sometimes

Social networks, which is the online and social meaning. The carrier connects people across the network, forming a characteristic group. Social networks stems from social networks, social networking is the starting point of an e-mail message. Networking of the Internet is essentially a www.51lunwen.org/euroliterature/ computer, an early E-mail solves the problem of the remote message transfer, since it is the most popular application on the Internet, at the same time it is also the starting point for online social networking. With the quiet evolution of social networking, image of a person on the Web tends to be full, social networking has emerged. Dating is a social network a start, beginning just like Google is just ordinary as each page's backlinks, social networks start just to get your profile and friends list.


From the evolution of social history, it has been pursuing "low cost alternative" principle. Social networks have been in reducing social time and material cost, or that is to lower the cost of managing and transmitting information. At the same time, social networks have been working through a wealth of tools and instruments, instead of the traditional social exchange of such social animals to meet human needs, and is in accordance with the "Delta entertainment" to "constant sexual life" this track ever-closer to basic needs. Global social networking advantages are increasingly evident, even if users are used to a very specific type of Japan market, social networking is no longer a little network. Social networks play an important role in people's lives, it has become part of people's lives, and to access information, thinking and living impact should not be underestimated. Social networking access to information, unfolds, the marketing window. United Kingdom Press Association (the UK Press Association) reported that in a recent United Kingdom University of Edinburgh nabiya (Edinburgh Napier University) according to a study by: using the most popular social networking site Facebook may bring enormous pressure on people, especially for those users that have a large number of friends, even more so. The study by Kaixi•chaersi (Kathy Charles), Dr. The project conducted a survey of 200 students are using Facebook, found that on quite a number of people, the negative impact of social networking sites than to use its benefits keep in touch with friends and family members to be much larger. Studies have shown that 12% said Facebook made them feel anxious, an average of 117 "friends"; 88% didn't feel anxiety people have an average of 75 "friends". Studies also show that 63% people may delay responding to friend requests, 32% said refuse a friend request would make them feel guilt and discomfort, 10% admitted dislike receiving friend requests. Social networking deeply affect people's lives, people take their personal brand to build, brand marketing, and get everyone to become citizen journalists. We have heard countless personal use of social network publishing information in a timely manner, examples of saving lives or timely exposure of the facts, shall not repeat them here.Social netw论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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