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如何运用艺术来提升时尚的地位? [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2015-09-21编辑:cinq点击率:6529

论文字数:2000论文编号:org201509211020597019语种:英语 English地区:比利时价格:免费论文

关键词:Charles Frederick Worthstatus of fashion


n. The 1850s and 1860s is an example of the late 'CRIN 'and made of steel hoop. The term' lining' is from the French word which means horsehair CRIN sources.
Also wear a hat or a hat outdoors and linen cover indoors. In the 1820s hair becomes very complicated to raise the topknot and a hat or cap crown designed to accommodate them. By mid-century, by contrast, it has become smooth hair with a central division and the small ring is done on both sides of the face and a small bun at the back or simply swept back from the facial hair (hair mass arranged pad In the back of the head, instead of holding nets or networks). Hats and caps continue to wear until the 1860s, when a small, elegant style appears, it simply perched on his head. Smaller hat appears in the hair rise elaborate chignons of the 1870s when the form. Hair in the 1880s and 1990s is still 'up', but did not retain the 1870s-style height or bulk. Decorated with birds and feathers, artificial flowers small hat is fashionable. Skirts in the 1860s very well, wear lining in a cage made of steel hoop is holding it away from the frame support legs petticoat. A boned corset is worn on the petticoat. Sometimes, they put large shawl worn indoors or outdoors, rather than a coat or cloak.
The Fashion Art of Worth 沃斯的时尚艺术
When Worth established his fashion salon in Paris in 1858, it immediately gained the attention of the European royalty, who has money, reputation and influence, which marks the start of fashion (Hall, 2013). “Oscar Wild said that fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months” (Langdown, 2014, p.34). When the time comes to the 20th century the iteration of fashion has been accelerated based on the development of the fashion industry in the 19th century. 
Worth emerged as a designer just build the Second Empire and France. The restoration of the royal family in 1852, and Napoleon III (1808-1873) as the new emperor, again made Paris the imperial capital and set a number of important national occasions. Napoleon III, the implementation of the big picture of Paris and France, the two began to change and modernize the revitalization of the French economy, and have made Paris to become a model for Europe. For luxury goods, including textiles and fashion needs, reaching the level it has not been since the French Revolution (1789-1799) before. When Emperor Napoleon III married Houourenni (1826-1920), her taste set styles on (1978.403,01.21) court. Patronize ensure the success of the Empress of value, from the 1860s, a popular tailor.Worth of design is remarkable. He uses luxurious fabrics and decorative elements of the company's established history of his dress, his attention to fit. The designer has created one of a kind still works, his most important client, he is particularly known for the preparation of varieties, both in the house is worth in the design of real-time display of the model. Customers make their choice, and have clothing tailored Value Workshop.Although the value is not the first or only designer to organize his business this way, his aggressive self-promotion as he won the championship and the 'father of haute couture,' 'the first fashion designer.' 19 1970s, Voss's name appears frequently in the ordinary fashion magazines, women spread his fame beyond the palace circle.
Until the 1870s, women dresses shrink from a huge dome-shaped thing, and this time l论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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