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Alvar Aalto与芬兰设计

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2012-02-28编辑:lena ding点击率:5110

论文字数:974论文编号:org201202281025509301语种:英语 English地区:芬兰价格:免费论文

关键词:Finlandnorthern European designFinnish design

摘要:最近看了一本名叫《设计芬兰》的书,感慨颇深。有位资深的芬兰设计师说过:要想发现芬兰设计的精髓,就去茂密的森林中寻找。“芬兰人以他们的设计师为傲,打从心底珍爱并将设计带回家中,他们象征了芬兰的灵魂,且所有的芬兰人都能从中感觉到其背后的森林。每个芬兰人家里至少有两项共同的民族象征:桑拿,Alvar Aalto设计的花瓶。普通人与经典设计之间没有距离。设计属于所有人。”

Alvar Aalto and Finnish design

Content abstract: recently saw a book called "design Finland" the book, feeling a lot. A senior Finland designer said: to find the essence of Finnish design, will go to the thick forest in looking for. "The Finn to their designer proud in the bottom, and taken back home will cherish design, they symbolized the soul of Finland, and all of the finns from behind the forest. Feel every finns home at least two common national symbol: Alvar Aalto design, sauna the vase. Ordinary people and no distance between classical design. Design belongs to all people."

Keywords: Finland, northern European design, Finnish design, Alvar Aalto

A, Finland
Finland republic: Suomen tasavallan, meaning the kingdom of lakes.

(Finland flag)
As shown in figure, flag symbol blue lakes, rivers and ocean; Finland < https://baike.baidu.com/view/20509.htm > has more than a quarter of the territory in the arctic, cold and flag covered with Snow White symbolizes the homeland.
Finland is located in Europe top, the total area is about 338000 square kilometers, several European powers in the seventh. About two-thirds of the covered by forests, and in one over ten of the land is full of size 187888 lakes, and these lakes surrounded by different size and discomfort inland island, Finland deserves to "green gems land", "kingdom of thousands of lakes", is known as the "green gold" forest is Finland's most important natural resources. Finland has many national forest park, covering an area of about thousands of square kilometers, is a nature reserve, the Finn has a proud.
Finland has nearly a third of the land in the arctic in < https://baike.baidu.com/view/93936.htm > in Finland, summer the sun never set place, in the winter no longer have the sun every day rose, at this time is often appear beautiful of psychedelic aurora. In Utsjoki, this season also have two months. The Finnish winter day the sun in general is very low. In the middle of April, Finland southern sunshine time about 14 to 15 hours.
Finland although in high-latitude, but not a world of ice and snow and all countries. In the west due to Finland in the sea, and therefore be great influences on the warm waters. Other parts of Finland's temperature with latitude than other areas of the air temperature on the high side. The middle of June, in 20 ℃ temperature usually above. Finland's southwest coast area is the most sufficient light areas of northern Europe. More important is the Finnish ecological environment is not pollution, so very pure and fresh air.

Second, the design of Finland
Talking about northern Europe, people will think of is located in the near the Arctic Circle of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland this several countries. Their geographical location is very special, a long winter, contrasted climate, but dense woods, the waters of the vast natural environment and provides a rich resources. So the designers of northern Europe from not only the beautiful nature draw inspiration, and know how to effectively use the talent resources.

PH lamp Newtom (milk and sugar can of combining)

Between the two world wars, is located in the northern of Scandinavian countries in the area of design to rise, and has made remarkable achievement, formed a very extensive influence Scandinavian style. Scandinavian design https://baike.soso.com/v7620267.htm? < Ch = ch. Bk. Innerlink > style refers to the 20论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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